Red x Hanahaki!reader

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Heya, guys! Long time no see! I will try to upload more stuff now but it's still hard to upload like few months ago. Sorry;-;

Your pov:

Here I am again...crouching in the bathroom...coughing petals out from my mouth with blood... it was really painful. From my lungs to my throat. I feel like there are flowers blooming in my lungs that is trying to force their way out from the throats.  Why I got this? Well, it's because of red. The scientist. I loved how he was a serious guy but also a nice guy. He was always concentrated with his work. And I think that was the problem. He doesn't see me. He only see his works. And I am not his work. I am not created by him... He is only interested in stuff he created. His science stuff or the other rainbow friends.

"Damn it...I won't be able to hide it if this keeps going like this..."

I whispered to myself. Then I heard a knock.

"Who's there?"

I asked.

"U gay."

When the person said this,  i noticed it was a pun. So it must be purple.

"U gay who?"

I said giggling a bit which made the pain worse.

"U 'kay there?"

I heard the voice again. I chuckled. 

"Yeah, no worries. Just... taking a huge dump here."

I lied. 

"Well, I will wait here then. I haven't seen you so much these days."

Purple said. Jeez, he knew something was up. Is it bcs he can vent?

"Alright.  I will be out soon."

I answered. I wiped the blood from beside my mouth and gargle a bit so there wasn't any blood in my mouth. I sighed before I opened the door to see purple. 


I said.


He replied. Then there was a few second silence before he spoke:

"Alright. What's going on,y/n? You are never silent after the 'hey'. You also look pale. smell like blood...are you on your period??"

I felt a bit embarrassed at that question. 

"Uh yeah, I guess."

I said. Then he stared me for like ten seconds.

"Nope, you're lying.  Seriously, what's going on? I'm your friend, buddy. There is no need to be afraid to share me what's going on now."

Purple said. He's right.

"Uhh...I guess love problem. There is this one guy I like but he doesn't like me back, bcs he is interested in something else..."

I replied. He stated at me again.

"You're not lying...but you're not telling me everything..."

He said. Why is he so good at observing people??? That's when I felt it. The pain...again...I crouched down and looked down.

"Woah, hey you ok there??"

Purple asked. Before he could say anything, I coughed very hardly. Purple put his hand on my back and patted my back. Then I coughed petals with blood just like before. I heard a gasp from purple. 

"I-i....y-y/ can't be true...this isn't happening to"

Purple said quietly as he was shocked. He had tears beside his eyes. Of course he would. His friend is dying bcs of a rare disease. 

"Why did it have to be you..? Why you from all those billions humans out there..?Why..."

He said while sobbing. I hugged him. He hugged me back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you this...I didn't want to make you worried..."

I said. He was still sobbing. 

"It's red, isn't it?"

He asked a bit angry. I stared at him for a moment and then I nodded. Purple stood up. 

"I need to talk to him. He needs to get away from these scientist stuff. He should know that he has to give attention to people that loves him and is not a creation. I'll be back."

Purple said before he walked away. I didn't have the power to stop him on this state. I feel blurry. My head is spinning. I want to go to the room and just sleep. Ah...why not just take a little rest here. I laid down on the floor and looked at the celling. This is it, I guess. I wonder...would he notice me when I'm gone...? I slowly closed my eyes before I was drifted to sleep.




I slowly opened my eyes by the voice. Someone was holding vision was still blurry... but I could see there was someone special to me...Red...


I asked weekly. He was...crying.?

"Yes, it's me. I'm sorry I didn't give you any attention to you! You don't need to forgive me! Please, just live!"

He cried out. He cares...? I realised that there was something different with me now. True, I feel dizzy. But I don't feel any pain anymore... does that mean...


I wanted to say something but i couldn't because i was still processing everything what was happening. 

"Y/n...i also need to tell you don't have to return it anymore...after what I have done..."

Red started. 

"I...i like- no...i love you, y/n...i really do! I was always scared to be so close to you, because i didn't want to end up using you as my experiment or something. I was always watching how you laughed with my friends or having always made me smile, even if i don't have the mouth to do that...but i know i should have given you more are a...light to me...please understand me..."

He confessed. He felt like that?? I was only misunderstanding him? So the disease was because if my emotions?? I was speechless at this moment. I was just...happy. I can't describe more. I hugged him.

"I still love you...I'm glad that you were thinking if me like that."

I said closing my eyes smiling. He hugged me back.

"I'm also glad..."


When I opened my eyes in red's arm, I saw purple standing there. He was there whole time. He was smiling. 

"I guess, red also loved you red-iculously back."

He punned grinning and walked away. I guess he's having p u n.

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