Cyan x reader

521 7 12

Requested by @Tog2man




2nd world war



Family death

Your pov:

I became an adult not so long ago and am living my life with the rainbow friends. Here is really peaceful even if they are loud. Atleast a lot more peaceful than till 5 years ago.

 Till 5 years ago, there was a long war in the world. The 2nd world war. The rainbow friends also was already there in 2nd world war but since they were no human with not humans around, they didn't have to suffer so much. But they knew what happened on this world. How many people died in the war, how many people got taken away because of their religions or some other reason and tortured them or how the people starved. They felt bad for these people but they moved on because they knew they had to accept the reality. It's also one of the reason they kill humans so the humanity doesn't get worse.

 Me on the other side, experienced trauma. My family... I saw them die one by one. They got shot infront of me. I was dragged by the soldiers and cried out for my family. They were my only ones... I was locked in a small room with only a toilet for almost 2 years. I only got twice a week food and everyday one cup of water. I was a slave but still got locked in. Since I had a weak body, I had to make clothes inside the room. So I never went out of the room until I had the chance to escape when the place got attacked. When I ran away, my left arm and leg got hurt and got infected.  So I had to cut it off. After I cut it off, I stopped the blood and disinfected it. I hid in a cave where luckily no one ever came for 4 years and then, war was over. I don't even know how I survived. I found food in the forest from the bushes and water from river. Thankfully, it was close to the cave so I could make myself warm in the winter.And after 2 years, the rainbow friends found me. Or more like, red found me. He found me in that cave and took me home. He built mechanic arm and leg so o can move freely around. He needed a traitor for the field trip experiment so I agreed since he saved my life.That's the story, I guess.

I was laying on my bed in my room and was daydreaming.  About the future...a future that this stays forever... I almost drifted to sleep until I heard...


I sat up immediately.  Did my door just get locked?? No no no... i don't like it...It has to be open... i stood up and ran to the door. I slammed the door several times.


I screamed like i was crazy bit i was seriously scared. It gave me a flashback from the past. 11 years ago...where I was locked up...I cried. I couldn't breathe so well and it gets worse. I started to feel dizzy.


I screamed and cried. Then I heard a bang on the door. I stopped screaming and stepped back from the door. Then the door bursted open. Smoke was filled in my room so I couldn't see anything. But when the smoke faded slowly away I saw a figure. It was...cyan? She seemed panicked. She looked at me.


She screamed and ran towards me. I stared at her then started to cry again. Cyan panicked even more.

"Thank you, cyan!"

I thanked her as I hugged her. She got surprised but hugged me back with her tail.

"No problem... care to tell me what happened?"

She asked. I nodded.

"I- nothing really happened... it was because...I was get locked up again..."

I said. She tilted her head. 

"I'm confused... why did you get scared of getting locked up? You don't have any key? Oh! Do you have claustrophobia??!"

She asked. I looked down and thought... does this count as a phobia? It's more like a trauma, right?

"'s a trauma. A trauma i got in the 2nd world war..."

I answered. She understood. She hugged me more tightly. 

"I don't know what really happened to you in that time. But I assure you, 8t won't happen ever again. Because I will protect you."

She said. I snuggled on her shoulder.  

"Thank you, cyan. But can you promise me one thing if you do that?"

I asked. She nodded.

"Promise me not to die? I can't take it if someone I love dies again..."

I said. Cyan stared at me. Then she smiled.

"I may protect you with my life...but I won't die. After all, I'm strong."

She said proudly of herself. I chuckled.  


I mumbled before I fell asleep in her hug.




If promises are always meant to be broken, I would have never made a promise... 

I looked at my arms. I was crouched down and stared at her... cyan... You promised me! 

"Come back...come back..."

I mumbled at red covered cyan. Her colour was almost nowhere to be seen. It was all red. Covered with blood. With her blood. She smiled at me.

"I'm sorry...y/n...I couldn't keep my promise... but even I'm not by your side... live I can be for me..."

She softly said.  Soon, I felt her fade away. I cried. So loud as I could.  I couldn't control it.  I couldn't stop... I don't know how long it had been but I was still crying... Then I felt a presence behind me. I knew who it was. It was her. She was here but also not. Soon I heard her whisper:

"I will be waiting for you... Don't come to soon, my friend..."

This chapter reminded me of an animation meme. Guess which one. I might actually do this meme for the book. 

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