Rainbow friends meets FNAF

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Idea from Tundrastar4

A/N: Heya, readers! I am back from the break. Yup, earlier than we thought. I will publish another A/n later or tomorrow and it's pretty important so I really want you all to read it. Yup, that's it. Have a nice day/night!

Your pov:

Today was a normal day. The same routine with the rainbow friends.  Chilling with them, talking with them or vibe with them. Fun time everyday. Like today, right...?

"Hey, y/n! Check this out!"

I heard from behind a voice. When I turned around I saw orange running to me with a weird machine.

"Hey, orange. What do you have there?"

I asked him. He grinned.

"Hehe...I found this red's lab. Next to this thing there was something written uhh...fanf? Fanta? Yeah something like that and I thought it would be a great idea if we experiment it!"

He explained to me excited. I sighed.

"Orange... this is one of the dangerous idea..."

I said to him with an upset look. 

"I like it."




When we used this machine thing or more like played around with this thing, at first nothing happened. But it slowly had some weird reaction so we kept going. When we pressed a weird button,the machine started to shake a lot. Me and orange backed away.

"Oh oh..."

I said. Suddenly 6 glowing lights came out of the machine and flew to the sky. Then somewhere else as it disappered. It was like...

"Dragon ball!"

Orange yelled.

"Yes, dragon ball!"

I agreed.

"But...I think it fell somewhere in this amusement park. Maybe we can find those somewhere near!"

Orange said excited.

"Yeah, this isn't actually how it works in the anime but let's find it nearby!"

I agreed.




3rd pov:

A certain someone was doing work in his lab. Yes, red. He was minding his own business while inventing stuff. Until he heard a crash from behind. He groaned.

"Oh, for my sweet froggy head, please don't break my invention again, blue."

He said. But no reply. He got  annoyed and turned around to see not the big creature. Instead he saw a... male human? And this human was also purple. Red looked at him with 'are you serious?' look. 

"Purple, don't barge in my lab. And what is that costume? Do you want to impress someone by looking like a human?"

Red asked him. The male looked at him confused.

"I'm not cosplaying...I am just a normal guy who works at a pizzeria. "

The mysterious male replied. Red stared at him. He gave him a 'what the duck' look. Then the male suddenly turned his head to the monitor behind him.

"Are you a nightguard?"

He asked him. This time, it was red's turn to get confused. 

"What is that? You mean guarding this stupid mascots at night? Then I am not. Because I guard them the whole day. With sun and moon."

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