Gentle!Protective!Blue x pregnant!reader

417 11 6

Requested by ThatAutisticArtist

A/N: Last chapter of this oneshots ( I suppose)

Your pov: 

I was pregnant for like 3 months. Blue already knew that he was going to be a father. He was very happy. And also scared. He also has some weird way of thinking to people that are pregnant. No, I think he is more dramatic? Sometimes he also makes me shiver. As example:

"Blue, I need the bathroom. I have a stomachahe..."

I said to blue and blue stopped whatever he was doing. He rushed to me.

"A-are you ok?? Do you need hugs? Headpat?"

He asked. I chuckled. 

"I'm fine, don't worry."

I replied. He then looked around.

"It was the food, wasn't it? PURPLE!!"

Blue called for purple and purple peeked out from the vent next to us.


He asked.

"You cooked the food, right? And y/n here has stomachahe because of that."

"Blue, no I never said tha-"

"And what are you trying to imply?"

Purple asked blue with a glare. 

"Your food could have almost made her belly explode!!!"

Blue yelled. Me and purple looked at him dumbfounded. Purple just started to laugh and I sighed.

"Blue, that's not true. Please stop saying scary stuff like that. Mostly when I'm pregnant."

I said. Blue looked at me.

"But isn't that what happens to pregnant people who eats not so good food?"

He asked.

"First of all, the food was good. It's not the foods fault. Second of all, pregnant people do get stomach ache sometimes or maybe often. Last of all, that doesn't happen. Whoever told you is a dirty liar."

I explained him. He 'oh'ed. 

Yeah, that was a really funny scene if that was a movie. 

"Y/n? Are you there?"

I heard blue ask from the alleyway. 

"Yup, I'm here!"

I said loudly and soon saw blue approaching me with a big box.

"Great! I have some food you might like!"

Blue said and opened the box to reveal a lot of types of cake (if  you don't like cake,choose another food). I was so happy. I started to drool. Blue chuckled. 

"I baked them with red. He explained me how to make some. He thought I might need it for some time because he said that pregnant people gets a lot of times hungry and kinda picky. And I saw how much sweets you likes. So i baked you some!"

Blue said smiling. 

'Gosh... my heart...!how can someone be so wholesome like him...?!'

"Thank you, blue!"

I said hugging him. He hugged back smiling. After a minute, we let go. He lead me to the table slowly on my speed and made me sit on the chair.

"Thank you, blue. You're so kind..."

I said. Blue smiled while preparing to eat.

"I think i' kind because you are next to me. I mean, I don't think I am mean but with you around, it makes me feel to be more kind. I just want you to be happy. "

Blue said smiling shyly. I almost cried cuz he was so cute. He was about to give me a spoon but he stopped. Then he scooped a spoon of cake.

"Say ahhh."

Blue said. I opened my mouth and he fed me. I am now used to him feeding me but I remember when we still started dating,  I was so flustered.  I thought I would die because of blushing. 


Blue asked. I nodded smiling. 

"This is the best cake ever, blue! Thank you for making it for me!"

I thanked him. He blushed shyly. 

"Ehehe...glad you like it..."

He said embarrassed.  That was also one of his cuteness. It makes my heart melt... 

"So..have you thought about their name?"

Blue asked me. I was confused at first but I got it when I not him glancing at my belly.

"I am thinking but I don't know what kind of name..."

I replied. 

"How about Blue Jr.?"

Blue asked excited. I chuckled.

"Would be great but not sure if I our kid would like it when they grow up."

I said and blue pouted.

"How about Johnny? So we can do the song 'Johnny Johnny,  yes papa'?"

Blue asked. I giggled.

"Would be funny but no. Let's think about this some days later, ok? We still have 4-5 months."

I said. Blue pouted but agreed. I yawned.  

"Are you sleepy?"

He asked. I nodded. He took me by my hand and lead me to the bedroom. He layed me on the bed and he sat on the floor. Normally he would have slept next to me but he is afraid if he will accidentally kick my belly and hurt the baby. He still holds hands with me though. Suddenly he put his hand on my head. Oh yeah, headpats to. As he pat my head, I became more sleepy and sleepy. Soon I fell asleep. But I still heard him say the sentence which he says it everytime.

"Sleep tight and stay healthy with your baby..."

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