Child!red x reader

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Requested by Ldebord26

Your Pov:

I am y/n the explorer (Dora the explorer-). I was really bored when I was like 5 then started to explore which became my hobby. So that means I explore a lot of places and find a lot of new stuff and take them home. So I guess I am also a collector? Well, nevermind that.

Today I was exploring a place called oddsword. It was a abounded theme park. It sounded like some nice adventure so I chose to come here. But this place looked way too clean to be abounded. Maybe someone also came here to explore and cleaned here up?

I was now in a dark room. Not too dark that i will trip. But it was pretty hard to see. But suddenly, i heard a giggle. I turned around and saw only darkness. I felt uneasy but you continued to walk.

"Hello, miss!"

I heard a voice from behind. I turned around in shock but didn't see anyone.

"Down here!"

I looked down and saw 6 weird creature children. They were blue, green, orange, purple, yellow and cyan. I stared at them in shock. Just what were those things? I calmed down and crouched down.

"Hello. Who may you be?"

I asked. They smiled and introduced themself as the colour they present and talked a bit about themself. After talking a bit, i saw another child like creature ahead of the way. It was red. And it had clothes. Lab clothes. He looked like the oldest here. Maybe about 11? I looked at the others.

"Hey, who is that over there?"

I asked pointing at the red child. They looked over there.

"Oh, that's red! He... doesn't really like to interact with new people so he stays away. But he is kinda curious so he is still watching us as you can see! He is just not honest. Do you want us to introduce you to him?"

Blue asked excited. The others also looked excited to introduce me to that unknown child.


I agreed and they made a happy sound. Purple took my hand and dragged me over to red along with the other colours. We walked over and red kinda hid himself behind a wall. Though we could see him.

"Hey red! We have a new friend!"

Orange yelled happily. Red peeked over at you. I smiled at him.

"Hello, red, right? Nice to meet you. I am y/n the explorer. "

I introduced yourself.  Red stared at me then slowly came out.

"Explorer...? Like Dora the explorer...?"

He asked. I stared at him processing what he just said. Then i giggled.

"I guess you could say that."

I replied. You could see the curiosity in red's eyes. He fully came out and approached me.

"So you know a lot of this world?"

He asked excited.

"Sure do!"

I replied. He perked in excitement and he asked a lot of question. The others seemed to also listen to you in amusement. The talk was like about 2 hours.

"I wish I could see the world..."

Red muttered. The others agreed.

"Why didn't you just say so?"

I asked them. They looked at me in confusion.

"I can just take you guys out of here and show you the world. If no one knows you guys are here we are safe. I could easily hide you."

I said. Their eyes widened.  Red came up to me.

"You would really do that for us?"

He asked excited. I nodded smiling. The other smiled a lot.

"Ok, will we go today?"

He asked.

"Sure if you want."

I answered. They were really happy.

"Ok, guys! Prepare yourself! Take whatever you want!"

Red commanded everyone. So he is the 'leader' here.  The others went to get their stuff.

"Ok, I will wait here. Go make yourself ready."

I said. Red nodded and went to prepare himself. I sat on a rock and fell asleep.




"Hey! Miss y/n the explorer! We are ready!"

I heard a voice and opened my eyes to see everyone with their own backpack.  I yawned and stretched myself. I stood up.

"Alright! Let's go then!"

I said. They smiled.

"Everyone! Let's make a hand holding chain!"

Red said. Everyone agreed and they all held hands. Red was again the leader so infront of them all. He looked really responsible. I smiled and then held his hand. He looked at me confused.

"Let me have all the responsible now."

I said smiling. Red stared at me and nodded smiling. We walked  outside and I showed them the world. Red was really grateful. Suddenly he said which made me giggle:

"When I get older, I will take care of you like you are taking care of us, right now!"

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