Red x reader (fluff)

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Requested by 1Anmert1


Your Pov:

I was walking down the hall, where I used to search for blocks and other stuff because red the man behind the speaker demanded us to do it.

But well... he seemed to had a soft spot for me and decided to spare me.

I was making my way to his office or lab. I wanted to check on him. He always overwork and it was really hard to get him away from his work. He doesn't even eat proper food! He eats every meal cup Ramen. I mean- Ramen is tasty but it's not healthy to eat it every meal.

Now that I mentioned about food, I was bringing him food. Which I cooked it myself (u can cook here even if u can't in real life.). I was planning to give him a proper food. I cooked fried rice with some sald and meatballs. I am also bringing him a cup of coffee. He won't say no to my food. I know that.

I arrived at his office and knocked the door with my leg since I had no arms to knock.

"Come in."

Red said from the inside and I stepped in the room. He looked away from his experiment and looked at me.

"Ah, y/n. What a pleasant surprise to see you here. What do you need?"

He asked. I walked to him and placed the food on his table.

"I cooked you some food. I wanted you to eat something proper for once in a while."

I said. He looked at the food and then turned to look at me. Then he smiled with his eyes.

"Thank you, y/n. I appreciate it."

He said and started to dig in. He ate it pretty fast. I guess he was really hungry.  Suddenly I noticed something on his face. He was...


"Oh my gosh, red! Was the food not tasty?!"

I asked in panic. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No, no. The opposite.  This is way too tasty. I think I have forgotten how tasty proper food was since I only ate cup ramens... Thank you, y/n."

He said smiling. I sighed in relief. I smiled back.

"Glad to know your enjoying it. You know, I can always make you food if you want."

I said. He shook his head again.

"No thank you. I don't want to bother you with this."

He said.

"But it doesn't bother me. More like I want to. After I saw that face of yours when you were eating the food."

I said. He stared at me for a second.  Then he started to tear up. I panicked again but suddenly he hugged me so tight.

"Gosh, you are so kind! It makes me wanna cry!"

He yelled crying.

"I mean- you kinda are."

I said dumbfounded while patting his head.

"I am so glad I spared you! Waahhhh! I will protect you with my life!"

He cried. 

"Why are you treating me like a child??"

I asked.

"I am not treating you like a child! I am just trying to protect you. If you cried, I will kill everybody in the room and then myself."

He cried out still hugging me. I chuckled.

"Well, I guess it's one way of a thank you for sparing me. But well, I also care for you. You need to stop overworking."

I said. He wiped his tears off and nodded.

" I am really glad that I spared you."

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