Chapter 1

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THE alarm clock rang out loud at 7 in the morning. It was the first day of school in freshmen year. A pair of hand was pulling down the blanket and it was Fourth. He had a good night sleep and was ready to start his day as an architecture student. He was smiling big when his right hand was reaching someone who lied next to him.

He pulled down the blanket and finally revealed the other person who was hidden under the thick blanket. He was Gemini. His other half since a year ago.

"Gem, get up." Fourth chuckled, tickled his boyfriend's neck. Gemini was lying on his chest all night.

"Let me sleep for another 5 minutes..." Said the sleepy Gemini. He was too tired.

"No Gem. It's already 7 am na. Quick, or you will be late in your first day as a medical student." Fourth got up, slowly pushed Gemini aside. He had to wake him up since Gemini can be a quite sleepyhead.

Gemini would study all night and got to bed really late, everyday.

"You can go to shower first." Gemini whispered with closed eyes. Fourth threw the blanket away and dragged Gemini to the bathroom.

"Let's take a bath together." He said.

He undressed his boyfriend and put him under the shower. Then shampooed his hair, put the shower foam all over his body and lastly cleansed Gemini's face with a face wash. It left Gemini wide awake after that.

"Now go brush your teeth, you." Fourth commanded. It his turn to take a bath.

Gemini slowly walked out of the bath tub and moved to the sink. He brushed his teeth as Fourth commanded just now. His boyfriend was more like a father. Very strict sometimes. When he's done, he walked out of the bathroom with a towel and got ready with his uniform. Fourth also done 5 minutes later and the both of them moved to the kitchen to eat their breakfast together.

It was tuna sandwiches, Gemini's favorite.

"Eat some green." Fourth put some salad into Gemini's plate.

"No." Gemini refused to eat it. He disliked veggies so much.

"Come on, just a bit." Fourth persuaded. Gemini shook his head.


"What did you just called me?"


"Just now, what did you just called me? Ai'Fourth ha?"

"When did I call you that?"

Fourth clenched his teeth when Gemini won't admit. His boy was naughty. He got off of his seat and ran towards Gemini. He seized the sandwich from Gemini's hand and put it back to the plate. Gemini should be punish!

"Hey, I'm eating!" Gemini tried to escape Fourth's kisses. He was 'vandalized' by Fourth's lips for like 10 times that morning. That was the punishment for being a brat.

"Call me that again and you will know what will happen to you. Next time, it'll be more than just kisses." Fourth smirked.

Gemini pouted and continued eating. He hoped Fourth will be full with just kisses instead of that freaking salad.

"What are you staring at? Want me to kiss you again?" Fourth asked. Gemini quickly moved his gaze to another direction. Fourth chuckled.

After breakfast, the boyfriends were standing facing each other.

"Chok dee na you (Good luck)." Fourth said.

"Chok dee..." Gemini replied.

"Love you na." Fourth smiled while saying that.

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