Chapter 18

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GEMINI rushed to his car that was parked in Medical School parking lot. He had to leave as soon as possible for Fourth. Fourth's crying was too much for him to handle. He drove his car to the condo first.

He was standing in front of the main door like a lost puppy. The door was half opened...Invaded by someone... He was ready to call the police with one hand was pushing on the door. He had to make sure who was the intruder before that.

He slowly stepped in...

The guest room and the other areas were normal except the bedroom. It was tidy but his clothes were gone. All of them. Gemini rushed to the wardrobe and saw nothing belongs to him there.

No more.

He changed his plan. He called his mom instead. He knew it must be her doing! She won't answer the phone call.... GREAT.

That was when he noticed the 'LOVE WALL' was completely destroyed. It used to have their photos and sweet decorations. It was destroyed by Lady Photjanee, his own mother. Gemini was very upset and drove himself to his parents' home. She was too much!

The doorbell rang.

"Khun Gem is here!" A maid announced the arrival when Gemini was already in the front yard.

Lady Photjanee smirked. Well, as expected... Her husband was there too, seated while sipping on his favorite red wine. He was also waiting for Gemini. There was a lot of things he had to talk to him.

Gemini walked in and stood few metres away from his parents. The husband and wife were sitting on the couch while staring at him. They didn't speak and just staring straight at their only son.

"You did it, aren't you?" Gemini said while looking at his mom. Lady Photjanee smirked.

"But.... Why?" He asked again.

Khun Racha tapped on his wine glass couple of times and it stopped Gemini from talking any further. He warned him to behave.

"That place is not where you should live, Norawit." Lady Photjanee finally spoke.

Gemini shook his head, disagreed.

"It's my life."

"Life?" Lady Photjanee laughed. Meanwhile Khun Racha was minding his own business next to her. It wasn't time for him to speak yet.

"What kind of life is that hah? Norawit?"

Gemini was lost for words because of her. He was so damn hurt.

"It is not too late to come back, son. Before you are damned like him." Said Khun Racha in a slow voice tone but it was clear enough to Gemini.

"What do you mean?" Gemini asked.

"The both of you are sick. Come back and we will heal you." Said Khun Racha.

"We are not sick."

"You are!" Lady Photjanee raised her voice. She was frustrated with Gemini for being an idiot.

"You are just confuse Gemini."

"I'm not, mom."

Lady Photjanee left her seat and walked towards Gemini, grasped his face.

"I swear, you will come home soon."

"In your dreams mom."

"Norawit! Don't you dare to talk to your mom like that!" Khun Racha scolded. He was furious.

Gemini decided to walked away from them and drove to nowhere. He stopped at somewhere while screaming alone in the car. Out of frustration, he smacked the dashboard.

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