Chapter 22

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"Win, hey!" Satang tried to stop his friend from heading to the Fine Art School. The day after they went to see Fourth and Gemini, Winny was so mad and decided to meet Mint at her faculty. Satang tried to stop him but failed.

"Don't stop me." Winny warned.

"Calm down first, will you?" Satang said. He held Winny's arm to stopped him.

"Calm down? For goodness sake, our friend is dying because of her!" Winny said out of frustration. Satang should know better than that.

Satang stunned. After class, they will headed to their friends' condo to help finding the doll. Fourth's life is in great danger and they have to be quick. He slowly let Winny's hand go. His friend was right... He can't deny it.

"But, promise me that nothing inappropriate will happen." Satang demanded for a promise from him.

Winny sighed. He eventually nodded after a while. After that, the both of them were walking together towards the faculty to see her.



"Fourth is sick?" Mint was surprised. She crashed to the wooden bench.

"You can stop acting, Mint. Tell us where did you buried the voodoo doll." Winny asked. He has no time to waste.

Mint's eyebrows puckered. She didn't understand, "Voodoo....Doll?"

Winny snorted. Well, well, well... She's such a great actor! He moved closer to her and demanded her to say the truth or else he will be very very angry. Satang was worried if Winny will snap.

"I swear, it wasn't me. Don't you trust me? He is my friend too. There is no way I could do that to Fourth." Mint explained. She was so upset with the accusation.

Winny looked at Satang.

Satang told his friend to let him deal with her.

"Mint...." Satang said.

Mint lifted his gaze to Satang's face. Her eyes were teary. She was about to cry.

"Do you have anyone in mind that might likes Fourth?" He asked.

"Hey, what are you doing? She is pretending! Come to your senses!" Winny was mad. Nobody likes Fourth more than Mint. She must be the culprit and was playing dumb!

"Winny!" Satang scolded. Winny snorted and quickly shut his mouth.

Mint started to sob, "I don't know... I'm sorry..."

She cried so hard and kept apologizing to Satang and Winny. Kept on denying and told them that she wasn't the one who makes Fourth fell sick. She wasn't that evil and she's happy when he's happy.

Winny was confused. From a hundred percent, it reduced to fifty. Mint was too convincing. He finally told Satang to leave the place before it went down to zero.

Winny stopped walking out of the sudden that makes Satang bumped into him from behind.

"Why did you stop?" Satang asked. 

"What do you think about Mint? Is she saying the truth or just pretending?" Winny asked.

Satang sighed, he didn't have the answer for that as they didn't have any proof. Only time will prove any wrongdoings.

Winny had an idea. He will show Mint's photos to the monks and ask for their opinion. They might see something through the images. Winny continued walking and went back to their other friends.

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