Chapter 6

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IT was almost 3 pm when Gemini finally awakened. He rested well thanks to Fourth who kept on checking on him when he was asleep. His boyfriend was restless and changing wet towel for every 3 to 5 minutes for his forehead. Kept checking on his body temperature and rushed to check on him whenever he moves. 

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw no Fourth next to him. He was in the kitchen, making something warm for him. Gemini slowly got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen to meet Fourth. That boy was busy cutting something in the counter with his back facing him. Gemini leaned his back to the wall and smiled.

I am so lucky to have you...

"Hey, why are you standing there? You should rest." Fourth panicked when he saw Gemini was standing and staring at him from behind.

"I'm okay...."

"No, you're not. Please wait in the room and I will take this to you soon." 

"But I'm feeling lonely..."

Fourth stunned. Is Gemini flirting with him now? In this kind of state? Unbelievable.

"Gem, not funny okay." Fourth scolded. Gemini pouted.

"Can I sit here? I wanna see you cook." Gemini asked for a permission. Fourth smiled and nodded.

"Okay..." He said. He helped Gemini moved and got him seated in the kitchen. He left to the counter and continued cooking. Once in a while he will glanced at Gemini to see if he is okay.

5 minutes later, the warm and delicious chicken porridge was ready to eat. Fourth put it into a bowl and brought it to the table where Gemini was sitting. And naturally fed him spoon by spoon until Gemini was full. He also fed him medicines with a glass of water. 

"Now, can you tell me what happened when I was outside?" Fourth demanded for a truth.

"When I was reading the book, my bad headache came back." Gemini said.

"So, what the doctor said?" Fourth asked.

"Fatigue. Lack of sleep and rest." 

Fourth sighed. He knew it. He has reminded Gemini so many times before that he needs enough sleep or he will fall sick. Fourth was so frustrated with what happened that day. He was frustrated with himself more because he wasn't there when the bad thing happened to his boyfriend. 

Gemini slowly grasped Fourth's fingers, "I am sorry for troubling you..."

Fourth disagreed with a hard head shakes, "No, you're not. It's my responsibility to take care of you." 

"I am sorry too for making us a secret boyfriends. I'm a coward." Gemini was upset with himself. He can't seems to go against his parents and had to keep Fourth in the dark for a year and it may continue.

"I don't mind. As long as I have you." Fourth smiled to soothes Gemini's hard feelings. 

"Tomorrow is our first anniversary na... Time flies right? I can't believe that you're mine since a year ago." Fourth said and smiling so brightly. Just like a bright sun.

Gemini's eyes rounded. He totally forgot about that! Oh shoot! 

"I haven't get anything... I have to go buy your gift..." Gemini panicked. He was a bad boyfriend! How could he forgot about the most important day in their life??

Fourth chuckled, "Mai tong! (No need!). You can get me something when you're feeling better later." 

Gemini sighed. He still got a little headache to be honest. 

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