Chapter 21

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The monks were looking at each other with no word. They stopped chanting and one of the monk signaled something to one of the assistant. The assistant nodded, slowly walked away and came back with a bowl of water. The bowl was given to the monk.

Gemini and Mrs Gim stopped crying but their faces were wet with their own tears. The tears wont stop flowing. Gemini silently prayed, he begged God to save Fourth.

The monks whispered with each other.

It was intense and Gemini was dying for an answer. Is Fourth okay?

"Mrs Gim..." The venerable called out for the mom. Mrs Gim rushed to the monk and sat right in front of him.

"There was something in your son's living place that needs to be destroy in three days." Said the monk.

Mrs Gim's eyebrows puckered.

"It was buried somewhere in your son's living place." He added.

Gemini was so confused. The same goes to Mrs Gim. What was it?

"A voodoo doll with deadly spells." And the monk finally revealed the truth. Mrs Gim and Gemini were shocked to de4th.

"If we can't find it in three days?" Mrs Gim nervously asked.

The monks sighed, turned silent for a moment and one of them replied, "He will d!e."

Gemini automatically burst into tears. He was so emotional and broken. He can't live without him... Mrs Gim calmed him down and said everything will be fine even though she was dying from the inside too.

"Son, where do you live?" The monk asked.

Mrs Gim helped answering and the monks nodded. They will go to their condo to find the voodoo doll. They had to destroy it in three days before it was too late for Fourth.

The second treatment was done for the day and the three of them were home after that. Fourth was unconscious and was put on the bed as soon as they reached home. Gemini didn't leave Fourth's side even one second.

He was sad and scared if he going to lose Fourth. Every second count.

"Gem, let's eat dear." Mrs Gim said from the room's doorstep.

Gemini turned his face to her and slowly shook his head, "I'm not hungry mae."

Mrs Gim entered the room and sat next to Gemini. She smiled at him. Gemini ate or drank nothing that day even though he was sick and just got discharged from the hospital. He was pale and weak.

"You have to eat something and take your medicines. You have to be strong for Fourth." Mrs Gim said while caressed Gemini's shoulder.

Gemini fell silent for few seconds.

He lifted his gaze and eventually agreed to have something. For the sake of his boyfriend, he had to be stronger than that. He left the room with Mrs Gim to eat dinner.



9 PM

They were lying side by side. Gemini wrapped his arms around Fourth's body. His boyfriend was sleeping sound after a few spoons of warm porridge.

"I love you na." He said.

Fourth forbade him to be close but he didn't care about that. He just want to be near Fourth, to take care of him 24/7. The demon always tried to take Fourth away from him and he won't allow that!

He decided to tell Satang, Winny, Captain, Ford and Prom about Fourth tomorrow morning. They deserved to know the truth about their bestfriend. Fourth can't attend his classes like usual for the time being.

Mrs Gim and him already handle that with the university's board.

Fourth flinched. He was on a nightmare again but fortunately it happened only in few seconds. Then he was back to sleeping sound again. Gemini spent the moment by staring at his boyfriend and wishing the best for him.

May his boyfriend is safe from all evil.



Fourth's friends were shocked to hear about him. They didn't know that Fourth's condition gotten worse after they left the mountain. Captain was okay even though he was being possessed too before.

Probably because it was a real mountain spirit. Meanwhile Fourth was being possessed by a black magic.

"Where are you guys now?" Satang asked. Gemini was calling his phone and the call was put on speaker.

"In mae's house." Gemini replied.

"We will be there soon."

Then the phone conversation ended. Satang and the rest will be there to see their friend. It was 10 in the morning and they were together hanging out. Luckily there was no class since it was on weekend.

In almost an hour, they arrived with Ford's vehicle. Mark arrived soon after that with his own car.

Mrs Gim welcomed them with a friendly smile and told them to go upstairs because there was where Gemini and Fourth were. The friends went upstairs and were taken aback by what they saw.

Fourth was sitting on a chair while waiting for them. He was pale and a bit skinny. Meanwhile Gemini was no different from Fourth. He was pale too.

"Gem, are you okay?" Mark asked. Gemini nodded.

"You're pale na." Mark knew something was wrong with his friend. Gemini quickly turned to see Fourth.

Fourth was looking at him too. He felt guilty.

He harmed Gemini and almost k!ll him before. He was a jerk!

"I'm really okay." Gemini smiled. He quickly changed the topic to stopped Mark to ask any further.

Prom, Ford, Satang, Winny and Captain seated next to Fourth and asked him about the true story. They were shocked when Gemini told them that someone was taking a revenge on Fourth by a black magic.

"The shaman buried the voodoo doll with deadly spells somewhere in our condo's back yard." Gemini added.

"What??" They were dumbfounded.

"Someone who used to love Fourth.... Mint?" Winny made a guess.


"Or there is someone else that used to like Fourth?" Captain said. All eyes on him.

"Who?" Prom asked.

Captain didn't know. He just saying.

"So the monks will search for the doll started tomorrow right?" Mark asked. Gemini nodded. Yes, as what he told them before.

"Should we help?" Mark said while looking at the others.

"The monk said, it has to be destroy in three days... Or else..." Gemini stopped talking out of the sudden. He can't continue...

Fourth continued, "Or else I will d!e."

Gemini couldn't control his tears as soon as Fourth said it. Fourth looked at his boyfriend and walked towards him to calm him down.

The friends were burst into tears too. They were upset with what happened to their friends. Who was the DAMN person? Winny was so mad and had made a decision.

He will see Mint!


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