Chapter 19

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THE sky was gloomy and the weather was pretty windy...

Gemini was in the car with Fourth, they were waiting for Mrs Gim who talked to the monk. The monk told him to bring Fourth away from the temple because he had something to tell her and it was quite personal.

Mrs Gim will share the information with him later.

Gemini put his jacket on Fourth because he was shivering so bad. He was pale and sweating. The first treatment was taking a toll on him. He was in pain and had a rough time.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Fourth suddenly asked with eye closed.

"Sure, I'm not going anywhere today." Gemini smiled. He was busy caressing Fourth's hair.


Fourth fell asleep soon after that. Gemini sighed. The treatment will be three days in a row and Gemini couldn't imagine how tough it will be to Fourth. He was already tormented in the first day...

My poor boyfriend...

He leaned his back to the car seat while thinking about what the monk have said before. Someone was taking a revenge for not having Fourth as a partner? Beside Mint, was there another person who likes Fourth?

He can't remember...

If it was Mint's doing... So why a man in red?

Mrs Gim finally said goodbye to the monk and got into the car only after 10 minutes. Seemed like the monk had a lot to tell her. Gemini started the car engine and drove back home with Mrs Gim and Fourth.

The moment they reached home, Mark was reaching Gemini via a phone call. He questioned Gemini about the lunch with Dew before.

"Is Fourth okay? I heard from P'Dew that he is unwell." Mark asked.

Gemini was outside, in the front yard after he tucked his boyfriend to bed. Gemini replied with a yes. There's no need to hide it anymore. He probably have to tell Fourth's friends too. They deserve to know about their friend's condition.

"Did you take him to the hospital yet?"

"I did. But-"


"Are you okay, Gem?" Mark was worried. Gemini didn't sound good at all. He sounded weak and tired.

"I am. Mark... Fourth is cursed by something." He finally told him the truth. Mark was shocked.



"Like black magic?"


"Oh my God..."

Mark's mouth wide opened. He did not expect that, "It was from the mountain?"

"The monk said, someone is taking a revenge on him." Gemini said.

"For what reason?"

"For not having him as a partner."

Just like Gemini, the first person in Mark's mind was Mint. A whole school knew how much Mint likes Fourth before. She followed him no matter how much he rejected her.

"Could it be......Mint?" It finally said by Mark. Gemini sighed.

Mint was a sweet girl, wasn't she? There was no freaking way she could be the culprit. She effortlessly surrendered when she knew about Fourth and Gemini.

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