Chapter 30 : Final

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MRS Gim arrived at Lady Photjanee's office after Fourth phone called her. They really needs to talk. When she opened the door, she saw Force, Fourth and Gemini inside. They were waiting for her. Book decided to leave because he didn't want to interfere with his fiancé's family affair and he was pretty sure that Lady Photjanee will be mad if he's there.

Khun Racha welcomed and invited her to come in. Mrs Gim took a seat next to Force and took a glance at her son and Gemini. Seemed like the both of them were in a bad situation before. Gemini was definitely brokenhearted.

"Since you're here, let me get straight to the point." Lady Photjanee started to talk. She calmly sat on her doctor's chair. 

"Norawit, it's time to choose." She turned to Gemini. Gemini stunned.

"Us or them." 

Gemini was caught in the middle. His mom was too cruel to make him choose. He can't! He can't choose! Why can't she see?? 

"Mom...." Gemini tried to talk but Khun Racha quickly intervened.

"So, what is your answer?" He asked.

"P, what are you doing? How could you make him choose." Force disagreed.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you're telling us what to do with our son." Lady Photjanee said in the most unfriendly voice tone. She was glaring at Force. 

"Answer us Norawit." She kept pushing him for answer.

"But mom... How can I choose? You, dad, Fourth, uncle, mae are important to me..." Gemini replied. Was trying his best while holding back his tears.

Fourth who sat next to Gemini slowly put his hand on his boyfriend's back to calmed him down. That was the most difficult moment for Gemini when he had to make an unnecessary choice. He shouldn't have to choose in the first place. They should just live together, happily.

"I said, CHOOSE." Lady Photjanee repeated her words. Khun Racha was standing next to his wife while staring at his only son.

Force sighed. He was worried about his nephew. He was sick and got pressured by his own parents. Gemini was pale and sweating so bad in the couch. 

"May I say something?" Mrs Gim finally talked. 

All eyes on her.

"You can't make him choose because he just can't." She said while staring at her ex-classmate. Lady Photjanee snorted.

"I know you are against this but can you give them a chance to prove that you are wrong? If my son hurting him, I will be the first one to send Gemini back to you." Mrs Gim added. 

"He have to choose today. I don't have time for all this crap. If he choose to continue this relationship, then we will assume that we never have a child." Lady Photjanee said. 

Gemini bit his own lips and bowed his face down. It was too much for him to handle. He was exhausted...

...I wish I was never born...


"The discussion is over. Just go with them and don't ever come to us again. You are no longer our child." Lady Photjanee had made her decision. She stood up of her chair. 

Khun Racha sighed.

The drastic decision shocked everyone. Gemini burst into tears and automatically rushed to his mother and father. He begged them for mercy.

"Then stop seeing him. End it all today." She gave him option. She was holding on Gemini's shoulders and told him to wake up. 

"This kind of relationship won't last. The both of you will break up sooner or later." Khun Racha said. He persuaded Gemini to break up with Fourth and brainwashed him.

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