Chapter 16

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THE phone call kept coming but Gemini decided to let it unanswered. He just met her and he wasn't in the mood to talk to her again after what she have said before.


No, I'm not sick mom. I just love him so much...

Fourth knew something was wrong with Gemini. He stared at him and didn't blinked. The phone kept ringing and Gemini didn't plan to answer the calls.

"Don't you want to answer the phone call?" He asked. Gemini smiled and shook his head.


"It's a prank calls. It's a waste of time if I answer." Gemini lied. Fourth was sick and he won't telling him the truth about what Dr. Photjanee have said.

Fourth will be stress and will get more sicker than this if he knows.

Fourth nodded while having a body sore. He didn't talk much that day even if he really wanted to. The nightmares would haunting him everytime he closed his eyes. He started to feel scared of sleeping.

"How are you feeling today? Feels better?" Gemini walked towards Fourth after he turned off his phone. Didn't want any disturbance from his own mother.

He was hurt as hell that day but decided to kept smiling for Fourth. Fourth was sick and he wanted to be his energy booster. He missed him so damn much even though Fourth was always before his own two eyes. He wanted to cherish every second of it.

"Sore all over." Fourth replied while closing his eyes. He rested his head on the couch headrest.

"Oho, poor lil thing. Be better soon na. I miss you so much." Gemini pretended to whine like a baby. He always do that with Fourth.

"I miss you more." Said Fourth. He was smiling beautifully. Now they were staring at each other.

"Can I kiss you?" Gemini asked for permission. Fourth shook his head.

"Not until I'm free from this illness." Fourth rejected. Gemini pouted.

"Don't do that face." Fourth chuckled. Gemini was so freaking adorable that makes him wanted to shower him with kisses.

"I don't mind to share."

"Share what?"

"Your illness."

Fourth laughed. Gemini kept asking him for a kiss but unfortunately he can't give one. Gemini just healed from his flu and he didn't want him to be sick again.

"Can I have him?" The creepy voice suddenly hit Gemini's memory. Gemini frowned.

"What's wrong?" Fourth asked. They were sitting next to each other on the couch.

"Nothing..." Gemini denied. He quickly went to the kitchen for a bowl of water and came back along with a small towel.

"I will wipe you." He said.

He helped undressing Fourth and wiped his body. Fourth's body was in a really good condition due to his consistent work out and diet.

"Ouch!" Fourth suddenly groaned out of pain. Gemini panicked.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked while checking out Fourth's body. In case he harmed him with the towel. Fourth quickly denied.

"My chest." Fourth said.

"Let's go to the hospital!" Gemini was ready to go but Fourth stopped him by holding his hand.

"I saw the man again. I saw him in our condo."

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