Chapter 24

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THE monk crashed on the ground, fainted. He was the youngest and was pretty new to the monkhood. He was there to assist the senior monks. Everyone rushed to help.

"The red..." The young monk said when he was concious.

The most senior monk automatically lifted his head and his eyes were directed to the big tree that located a few metres away from them. The demon was there, still. He was blurry and glitching like a broken VCD.

Mrs Gim knew something bad was happening and the searching will be a tough challenge. The voodoo doll was still nowhere to be seen...

The venerable slowly stood up and walked towards the tree step by step. He stopped right in front of the plant while chanting. The demon in red was there to interfere. It was there to fail the mission.

"PAI! (GO AWAY!)" He raised his voice, sprinkle the holy water towards the tree.

Mrs Gim witnessed the event while being confused. She can't see anything.

"PAI!!!!" More holy water was sprinkle over the tree.

"Po! (Father!)" Everyone shouted out of shock because he fell to the ground. The invisible force pushed him and screamed on both his ears.

"The man in red is here.... Stop him!" The venerable yelled. It might be some hints of where the doll could be.




Fourth was struggling in his sleep. He groaned and growled.

"Fourth, pen arai?! (What happen?!)" Gemini panicked and kept on trying to wake Fourth up.

His boyfriend floundered, was having difficulty of breathing. The ring.... Where's the ring?!

It was gone!

Their friends were searching for it but none of them find it. Fourth was suffering and suffocating on the bed. Gemini was crying like a child with Ford hugging him.

Gemini was so damn scared.

The ring was nowhere, Fourth was gotten worse and Winny was losing his patience. He decided to call Mint via a phone call.

"TAKE ME TO YOUR F****** BROTHER!" He yelled after she answered. Satang quickly trying to calm him down but Winny was too angry that led him into the pure madness.

Their bestfriend was dying because of that A**HOLE! THAT FREAKING BASTARD!

"WHERE IS HE? TELL ME WHERE IS HE!" Winny shouted. He didn't care anymore. He will kill that jerk!

"Win, calm down..." Satang tried to chill him down but Winny decided to left the condo after the short phone conversation.

"Car key." Winny said while putting his palm of hand towards Ford.

Without any objection, Ford gave the key to him.

"Go after him." Ford said to Satang. Satang nodded and left soon after that. It was too dangerous to let Winny go alone. He might m*rder someone.

Satang rushed inside the vehicle after Winny got seated on the driver seat. Winny glared at him.

"Let's go." Satang said.

In a blink of an eye, the vehicle wasn't there anymore. They went to Mint to meet Mont.




Mont crashed to the floor after being punched by Winny. Such an unlucky day for Mont. He was with Mint at her condo when Winny and Satang arrived.

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