Chapter 8

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GEMINI was alone in the dark. He was sitting on the cold hard floor all by himself. He hadn't been there since ages ago. It was unnecessary because everything was good between them. He never thought it would turned out like that after their first anniversary.

He was to blames for being a coward. He was afraid of everything.

What if his parents knew?

What if their friends knew?

What if his seniors knew?

What if the society knew?

Gemini sighed. He always wanted to tell the world how important Fourth is to him.... How much he love him... But he was scared to death of what might occur if he tells the truth.

His parents will put a fullstop to everything. Probably sending him to study oversea.

He slowly got up and went to bed. He needed sleep and enough rest or he'll be sick again. He don't wanna be sick because he'll be a trouble to Fourth. He has to be strong.

But.... He was upset with him. He decided to distance himself away from Fourth to avoid more damages than it already has. If they keep quarreling, it won't be good for their relationship. It might collapse.



Fourth didn't sleep after Gemini left the condo. He kept staring at his phone screen. It was Gemini's phone number and he was contemplating whether to call him or not. He was dying to call him but scared if it'll makes Gemini uncomfortable. So he decided to not calling him until everything is better.

He knew him too well. Gemini needed time to calm down and it's pretty hard to reconcile when he's upset.

Fourth leaned his back to the chair at the dining table and started to chew on the food that was made by his boyfriend. It was cold but still good because Gemini made it.

He started to sobbed whenever he chewed and swallowed. It was so bad of him to treat Gemini like that when he was waiting with food on the table. Gemini was waiting to reconcile but it didn't go as planned. He was cold and treated Gemini with disrespect. 

"Gem, please come back..." He said with tears on his cheeks. Flushed and sweaty.

Fourth fell asleep on the couch with phone on his hand. He was waiting for Gemini to call or text. His body was wet with cold sweats and he seemed difficult to open his eyes that morning. He didn't know what was happening to him but he was really uncomfortable.

He was in so much pain.

What if Gemini decides to end everything? What if Gemini tell him to break up?

Someone called, Fourth was excited but his emotion quickly changed soon after that. It turned sour and bitter because it wasn't from Gemini but Prom.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked.

"Are you home now?"


"Hey, let's spend our weekend with your fangirl."

Fourth's eyebrows puckered, "Who is it?"

"Hye Fourth!" Mint excitedly greeted Fourth from Prom's phone call.

"I have something else to do today." Said Fourth.

"Fourth, I am already here na. I really have something to tell you." Mint begged for Fourth understanding. She was so in love with him.

Fourth sighed. He didn't have any other options left and agreed to see her and the rest of his friends. He slowly moved to take a shower and got ready to go out.

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