Chapter 23

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WINNY decided to try his luck on the voodoo doll. He wanted to know where it was being buried but unfortunately she can't helped with that. The only thing she can do was telling him that the doll might located in the most hidden place in the back yard of the condo.

It will be very difficult to find...

The assistant pulled something from inside a tiny red pouch and put it on the table. It was a metal ring with grey stone on it.

All eyes on the ring.

"Put it on your friend's right index finger starting today." The shaman said.


She continued, "To withstand the pain until the voodoo doll is found."

Winny and the rest nodded. Winny took the ring and gave it to Satang. They will take it to Fourth later. The searching started from that day and the monk said it will be the most challenging moment for Fourth and everyone.

The demon will go rampage and violently abu5e Fourth's body. The black magic becoming more dangerous than it already was.

"How much is it?" Prom asked the assistant before they left the building.

The assistant smiled, "The session was a gift from her."

They were so thankful to the shaman and left after the greetings. The ring was inside Satang's wallet. The owner of the ring was already in his own condo together with his mother, Gemini and people from the temple.




Gemini was worried and nervous whenever Fourth was shaking and shivering on the bed. Mrs Gim, the monks and their assistants were together at the back yard since 10 minutes ago. Gemini was asked to accompany him throughout the searching.

"Fourth..." Gemini gently touched Fourth's forehead.

Fourth was burning.

"Boo!" Gemini turned his head in shock. A voice of someone was teasing and playing with him since a few minutes ago. He protected his dear boyfriend from the evil.

"You can't take him away from me, you prick!" Gemini said while staring in the air. He saw nothing but he could sense it's existence.

"Gem..." Fourth called out for him.

Gemini panicked when he saw blood was flowing out from Fourth's mouth. He quickly grabbed the small towel and wiped it out. Fourth was in pain, he shivered in Gemini's arms.

"It's okay, I am here with you..." Gemini whispered into Fourth's ear. He was about to lose his dear other half in any moment if the doll isn't found.

"Gem, I am scared....." Fourth slowly said. He didn't want to leave Gemini. He want to get old with him...

"It's okay, don't be scared... I won't ever leave you okay?" Said Gemini to soothes his feeling. Fourth was scared... The same goes with him...

The warm tears hit Gemini's fingers. It was from Fourth. Gemini tried his very best to not cry because he must be strong for Fourth. He wiped the tears away with his kisses.

All the sweet and lovely memories from the past year hit him right in the heat of the moment. How much Fourth took care of him... How lovely was Fourth when he cooked for him... When he protected him at all cost.


5pm - Saturday

"Fried chickens? I thought you said it's not good for me?" Gemini stared at chicken drumsticks in the plate on the dining table.

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