Chapter 7

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GEMINI was restless and afraid that his senior would do anything that will trigger Fourth and turned the situation to the worse. Fourth looked pissed and was ready to throw hands at Dew. 

"Er, P... This is my friends from architecture school." Gemini introduced them to Dew. Dew smiled when he saw Prom.

"P knew. He is my cousin na." Dew chuckled while pointed at Prom. Gemini was totally forgotten about that.

"Ohh, yea...." Gemini fake laughed. He just wanted to escape the place together with Fourth before his boyfriend go rampage.

"And this is Fourth right?" Dew greeted Fourth.

"Gem said a lot about you na." He added. Fourth automatically turned his gaze to Gemini. 

"Oh i see. What was it about?" Fourth asked while staring at Gemini. 

"A lot. It seems like the both of you are so close." Dew said.

Fourth smirked.

"We were high school friends P." Gemini intervened. Fourth nodded in annoyance. 

Yeah right. We are just a secret couple. 

Dew understood and honestly he was more interested in Gemini. He pulled out something from his doctor gown and gave it to his most favorite junior. 

"Let's be roommates in this trip okay?" He said while putting the room key in Gemini's hand. Fourth clenched his teeth.

"Wohoo P... Step by step na. My friend is blushing right now." Said Mark. Prom and the rest were cheering out loud. 

"Er....I...." Gemini stuttered.

"It's okay, he is with me P. We will be roommates." Fourth got up of his seat and grabbed Gemini's waist. He didn't care about what their friends will say.

Gemini belong to him!

"Fourth..." Gemini panicked and tried to loosened Fourth's arm on his waist. The grip was too strong.

"Fourth, what are you doing??" Gemini angrily whispered. 

Dew and their friends were dumbfounded. What happened to Gemini and Fourth? Why Fourth looked mad while grabbing on Gemini's waist like that?

"Ai Fourth! What are you doing??" Winny asked. 

"You hurt him. Let him go, ai Fourth!" Then Satang scolded. 

Fourth snorted. His mood was not okay that day and it was too painful to see Dew flirted on Gemini. Like what the fxxk!

He is my boyfriend for the fxxk sake!

"Are you okay?" Mark asked when Fourth let his friend go. 

Fourth glared at Dew for few seconds and then left the place. Followed by all his best friends. Gemini sighed. It happened again. He was tired with all this jealousy. Fourth should learn how to control himself. 

"Cheb mai? (Is it hurt?)." Dew asked while checking on Gemini's hand. He struggled while trying to escape Fourth before. 

Gemini slowly shook his head. He was upset and sad at the same time. The bracelet on his hand was reminding him of their sweet and lovely anniversary day. 

The situation gotten worse when Fourth didn't picked up his phone calls and only came home at 1 in the morning. He was a bit drunk and was cold towards Gemini.

"Fourth, where were you? Why you didn't picked up your phone?" Gemini asked as soon as he saw Fourth. 

Fourth ignored him and walked straight to drink water at the kitchen. He saw something on the dining table. It was made for him and was prepared by Gemini. 

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