Chapter 13

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"FOURTH!" Gemini panicked in front of his seniors. He rushed to Dew's room to seek help. He was helpless and was scared to death.

Dew didn't ask any further and rushed to Gemini's room with the other seniors. Fourth was standing in the middle of the room while staring straight at them.

"Fourth, are you okay?" Dew asked at the doorstep.

Fourth smiled, nodded.

Gemini knew something was off. No, Fourth was not okay. He looked scary and evil but Gemini took the liberty to be inside with his boyfriend. He slowly walked towards him and checked on him.

"Are you okay?" Gemini asked. Fourth nodded.

The steps was followed by Dew. He walked towards Gemini and gently patted on his shoulder. Tried to calm him down.

"He's okay." He said.

Fourth glared at the hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, clenched his teeth.

"What the fxxk do you think you're doing?" Fourth asked. Gemini was shocked.

Dew was surprised. He wiggled his eyebrows at Fourth.

"Move your fxxking hand away from my boyfriend." Said Fourth again. This time not only Gemini but all of them were shocked to death.

"Boyfriend?" Dew automatically turned to Gemini. He needs explanation. Gemini was flustered.

"Yeah. Gemini is my boyfriend. Tell him, Gem." Fourth glared at Gemini and demanded him to do what he told him to. Dew and all the fxxking people needs to know!

Gemini panicked, he turned to Fourth and shook his head. Was telling Fourth to stop. Fourth was so angry and screamed out loud in front of Gemini's face.


Soon after that, their friends were there to witness the unexpected event. It was all because of Fourth's scream that echoed throughout the gloomy atmosphere.

"Fourth, what's wrong?" Mark asked. He was concerned about his friends.

"Tell him Gem." Fourth said. He pushed Gemini so Gemini could face Mark and the rest. Gemini was crying so bad.

That was not Fourth!

"You're not telling ha? Fine.... I will tell them."

"Tell us what?" Ford was very confused. The same goes with his other friends. Dew and the other seniors were just standing still with their mouth shut.

Deep down, Dew was dying.

"Gemini and I are in a relationship since a year ago. We are boyfriends." Fourth faced his friends and spilled the truth about him and Gemini.

Their friends were shocked. Huh?!

Then they looked at Gemini at the back. Gemini didn't even dare to look at them and just bowed his face down to the floor. He was ashamed and frustrated with Fourth. That was not the right time to announce about their relationship.

But.... He knew that was not Fourth... Fourth won't do that to him...

"Gem... Is it true?" Mark asked.

Gemini slowly lifted his head and eventually nodded. He admitted that Fourth is his boyfriend. Fourth smirked. Dew slowly left the room. He was heartbroken.

"Why don't you guys tell us the truth before?" Winny asked. He didn't mad, he just wanted to know.

"Because Gem is a coward." Said Fourth.

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