Chapter 5

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IT was 3 in the morning and Gemini haven't sleep like in the previous days. He was busy studying the books and notes without realizing it was already late. Fourth tried to keep up with him but he ended sleeping like a log in the bed. Gemini yawned and noticed his mug was empty. He needs a lot of caffein in order to stay awake. He went to the kitchen for a mug of hot coffee and came back to do the revision. There will be no class in the morning and he decided to study until 5 to 6 am. He fell asleep on the books 2 hours after.




Gemini slowly opened his eye and saw Fourth was next to him. Holding his hand, got ready to move him to somewhere else.

"Hm..." Gemini tiredly response. He didn't have any energy left in his body after all the revision.

"Come and sleep on the bed." Fourth gently patted Gemini's cheeks to woke him up. The floor was cold and it will make Gemini ill.

Gemini was too tired to even move his fingers. Can he just sleep there? He can sleep anywhere though but having Fourth as his boyfriend, the answer is NOPE. That boy wouldn't let him do that. If you wanna sleep, the bed is where you're sleeping. It can't be anywhere else.

"Gem, let's sleep on the bed." Fourth insisted. He put Gemini's arm around his shoulders and brought him to the bed.

Pulled the blanket and covered Gemini's body. It was 6 in the morning and Fourth was wide awake. It was Gemini's turn to sleep. He slowly left the room and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. Tuna sandwiches, his boyfie's favorite.

7 am.

Gemini walked to the kitchen and hugged Fourth from the back. He woke up an hour later and the first one he wanna see is Nattawat. His boyfriend was busy cleaning something in the sink. He lied his chin on his shoulder while closing his eyes. Fourth is his comfort zone since they were together. Without him, he didn't know how to breathe a normal air.

"You should sleep a little more na." Said Fourth.

"Then sleep with me." Gemini replied. Sometimes he will act like a lil baby to Fourth.

"Doctor Gemini, i have to wake up early today. I have some errand to do for my friend."

"Your 5 musketeers friends?"

"The other friend."

"Who is it?" Gemini's eyebrows puckered. Fourth smiled.

"The friend from our high school theatre club..." Said Fourth with heavy voice tone and as expected Gemini automatically opened his sleepy eyes.

"You mean... Her?"

Fourth slowly nodded.

"She's in our university too?"

Fourth carefully nodded. He could sense the uneasiness in the air. But he was wrong because Gemini said he didn't mind and asked him to be quick. Or else she will be waiting. Then he walked away from there and continued sleeping.

Fourth left the condo 30 minutes after that. Meanwhile Gemini wasn't sleeping and starred at the ceiling with an emotional ride. He scolded himself for being a jealousy freak. He convinced himself that Fourth is a loyal boyfriend and only had eyes on him. Urgh...

He scolded Fourth for being jealous over P'Dew before but just look at him... He was just the same. He got up from the bed, took a shower and ate the breakfast alone. He was waiting for his boyfriend to come back.

1 hour passed, he decided to read books so he don't feel anxious.

He quickly put the book aside as he felt dizzy and nauseated. He ran to the bathroom and vomited. His stomach hurts, he got a very bad headache. It must be from staying all nights. He crashed to the floor with hands on his stomach. He vomited for few times and staggered back to the bed.



The last box was located on the shelf and Fourth was ready to leave.

"Thanks Fourth." Mint said.

"No big deal." Fourth replied.

"Hey, have you think about my offer?"

"I will discuss it with the others and will inform you later."

"Hey Fourth..." Mint stopped there. She had something to ask. Fourth wiggled his eyebrows.

"Are you single?"

Fourth stunned. That question was deadly. He scratched his head with an awkward smile. He didn't know what to say to Mint. Should he just telling her the truth? But Gemini will be mad at him. Gemini's parents were against this kind of relationship. It will be a mess if they knows.

Mint moved closer, "Are you free tomorrow?"

Fourth shook his head, "I have plans tomorrow. I'm sorry Mint."

Mint nodded, "Oh i see... Fourth, you know how i feel about you right?"

Fourth quickly changed the topic and wanted to leave as soon as possible. He didn't want to talk about it because he isn't single anymore. He has Gemini Norawit.

Fourth excused himself and left. Mint sighed.

On the way home, Fourth tried to reach Gemini with phone calls but Gemini didn't pick up his phone. Probably he was sleeping sound. He arrived soon after that and called his boyfriend's name as soon as he stepped into the condo. There was no response from Gemini and Gemini wasn't there too.

Fourth was panicked when Gemini didn't answer his phone calls. Where is he?? He searched everywhere but Gemini wasn't there.

"Come on Gem. Please pick up your phone..." Fourth whispered while phone calling Gemini.

Soon after that, Gemini called him back.

"Where are you now?"

"Outside. I will be back soon."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, i am."

Gemini's answer was not convincing enough to Fourth. With just one glance, he knows what's happening to his boyfriend. Gemini's voice was weak and frail. Fourth coerced for Gemini to speak the truth. He wanted to know where is Gemini.

"At the hospital." Gemini finally said.

Fourth was shocked to death. His heart dropped.

"What happened Gem? Are you okay? Which hospital are you now... I'm coming." He asked.

"I'm done with the check up. I will be home soon. You don't have to come here."

Fourth sighed, "Are you driving?"

"I'm taking a taxi."

"Okay then, I will wait for you." Fourth said. The phone call ended.

He was scared and couldn't seem to stay at one spot while waited for Gemini. He noticed about Gemini's books that were on the floor. Did something happened to him when he was not home? After a while, he rushed to the door when the sounds of keycard clicked.

"Hey, what happened?" He panicked while holding Gemini in his arms. His boyfriend was pale.

"You are burning." He said.

Gemini was brought to the bed. Fourth helped him changed his clothes and tucked him into bed. Gemini needed rest.

"I'm sorry..." Gemini apologized. He couldn't open his eyes. Bad headache.

"It's okay baby... Just rest. I will be by your side if you needs anything." Fourth gently said while caressing Gemini's head and cheek. Gemini nodded and fell asleep soon after that.

Fourth sighed. Tomorrow is their anniversary... He pray that Gemini will be better soon.

He lied next to him and hugged him tight.

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