Chapter 17

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MRS Gim thanked the venerable monk and the assistant for the messages. The monk also said that Fourth must be treated as soon as possible before it controls his body, soul and mind permanently.

It was inside of Fourth and it already possessed him more than once a day.

"Your son's spirit is very weary and weak."

Mrs Gim understood and asked for the monk's favor to heal her son. The venerable slowly nodded, he will treat Fourth started tomorrow. It might takes time but Fourth will heal.

"Thank you the venerable." Mrs Gim gave her respect while bowing her face. The monk and his assistant slowly went away. They will meet again tomorrow.

Fourth snorted, "Do you think I'm crazy mae?"

Gemini was shocked. Fourth never talk like that to her before. He was a good soon and respect his mother so much. Gemini tried to calm him down but then got scolded.

"This is my family matters. You are not allowed to intervene." Fourth glared at his boyfriend. Gemini was speechless.

Mrs Gim quickly brought his son inside and told Gemini to follow up in secret. Fourth wasn't in a good mood and she didn't want them to quarrel.

Fourth was brought to his room and Gemini was there to take care of him.

But... It was different...

A total different...

Fourth wasn't Fourth he knew...

He was someone else who was full of rage and madness. He snapped easily and always pissed off. Gemini knew that wasn't Fourth... It was something else who was inside him. He was under control of something else.

Mrs Gim smiled at Gemini, "Just go back to your condo na. Your classes is early in the morning right?"

Gemini wanted to stay but Mrs Gim convinced him to go back because she didn't want Fourth affected Gemini's study and life. Gemini has to move on with his own matters.

"It's okay, you can visit Fourth when you're free na." Said Mrs Gim. Gemini sighed.

Mrs Gim didn't want Lady Photjanee to blame his son for everything. She might accuse Fourth for ruining Gemini's life. Gemini will be a doctor in future and he has to manage his study as best as he can.

Gemini slowly nodded and agreed. Mrs Gim patted his head and smiled, "Mae love Gemini na. Don't worry, Fourth is in a good hand."

Gemini stepped in the room and took a seat on a chair next to the bed. Fourth was sleeping. Gemini carefully put his fingers on Fourth's cheeks and caressed it out of love. He missed him so damn much...

He will be back to their condo soon and without Fourth, he will be so lonely. He had to learn to live alone for a while. Until Fourth is okay. There was too much things he wanted to say to him. Too much love he wanted to share.

"I promise, I'll be back soon..." He gave Fourth a kiss on his forehead, a kiss on his nose, a kiss on each cheek and double kisses on his lips.

Fourth was still on his deep sleep.

He slowly left the room and met Mrs Gim downstairs. They were hugging like a mother and a son.

"Be careful on the road." Mrs Gim said. Gemini nodded.

He drove away from there without Fourth next to him.



The main door wide opened...

The lights turned on...

It was too lonely and empty. Gemini slowly walked towards the couch and sat on it. It was where Fourth likes to sit and watches movies. Everything reminded him of Nattawat. He quickly left to the bedroom and shower himself for almost 10 minutes.

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