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FOURTH removed the candies and snacks from Gemini's bag. It was too much. He replaced it with a container of fresh salad. He put it in the refrigerator to keep it's freshness. He will use it as Gemini's breakfast later.

Gemini pouted. This is not fair! He put it in the bag again but Fourth removed it.

"Fourth, give me back my sweets." Gemini sulked. The sweets was in his boyfriend's hands and he won't give it back.

"Stop eating so much candies, Gem. It's not healthy." Fourth said while putting the last clothes in Gemini's bag. He was helping him packed.

Gemini sighed, "Just this time..."

"Nope." Fourth shook his head. He won't surrender even though Gemini was way too adorable. He avoided Gemini's puppy eyes.

"Au! You are a bad boyfriend!"

Fourth chuckled. Gemini was whining like a baby and it made his heart weak. His boyfriend was so narak that makes him want to bite him and put him into his pocket.

"I'm bad but you love me right?" Fourth walked while approaching Gemini. Step by step. He had the naughtiest smile in his lips. Gemini stepped backwards.

"No lovey-dovey tonight. I'm tired." Gemini said and ran to their bedroom. He quickly lied on the bed while covering his entire body under the blanket.

Fourth chuckled. He respected Gemini so he decided to turned off the light and lied next to his boyfriend.

"Fan-dee (Sweet dreams)..." He said. Gemini nodded and slowly put his head on Fourth's chest. The most comfy sleeping place for him since they were boyfriends.




-- 8 AM

The both of them already inside the elevator with their bags. They will meet Force and Book at the beach.

-- 10 AM

"Okay uncle." Gemini ended the phone conversation after few minutes. He turned to Fourth.

"Uncle had an emergency case. So they can't join us today." Gemini pouted. He was so excited to be at the beach with his uncles.

Fourth smiled, "It's okay na. Let's enjoy this trip. Just the two of us."

Gemini nodded, "Okay~"

Their fingers intertwined, they went to checked in. The room was nice and spacious. Gemini loved it. It was Force who booked the resort for them.

Fourth patted the bed after he sat on it. Asked Gemini to sit next to him. Gemini slowly got on the bed while smiling big. Being with Fourth there was the most beautiful moment ever. After what they had been through.

Fourth almost die because of the black magic and he himself almost ended his life a month ago. He thought everything was over and his life was ruined. After what happened, he never contact his parents and he will never be in future.

They don't love him. They wished he shouldn't be born. He and Fourth lived in the same condo again and their LOVE WALL was renewed. He won't let anyone to destroy it again.

About Mint and his brother, Mont.... Mint apologized for Mont's wrongdoings and she told them that her brother was nowhere to be seen after that. Two weeks ago, Mont was found dead in the most mysterious way.

Gemini turned to Fourth. The both of them were already lying side by side. His boyfriend was smiling with eyes closed. He caressed Fourth's cheek with his fingers. Fourth slowly opened his eyes and turned to his boyfriend.

BELOVED [ FOURTH x GEMINI ]Where stories live. Discover now