Chapter 28

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HIS cold fingers touches everything around him while calling for his favorite's name. He was lying on the bed, everything was dim and gloomy. It was the loneliest moment in his life because he was alone in that spacious room. 

"Fourth..." He had forgotten about what happened to them before. He thought Fourth would come running when he called him. 

He kept on calling in the middle of the silent atmosphere and frowned when Fourth didn't come. 

He searched for his smart phone but he can't find it anywhere. It was nowhere to be seen. He needs to talk to Fourth and decided to walked out of the room and went to find the public phone but he couldn't find it too... 

"P, can I use your phone to call someone?" He finally asked a stranger who was there to see someone. 

He nodded and gave him his phone. Gemini thankfully took it from him and dialled Fourth's phone numbers. Few seconds later, the phone call was been answered by Fourth.

"Hello, Fourth..."

"Gem?? Where are you now??"

"I'm at hospital. Where are you? I have been searching for you na."

"You're inside of your room right?"

"I'm outside."

Fourth was surprised to hear that. He was worried about his boyfriend and rushed out of bed to see him.

"Baby, wait for me okay?" He said and Gemini said yes.

Fourth sneaked out of the house and drove to the hospital as quick as he can. He will tell his mother later. Gemini must be confuse and scare when he didn't see him there. 

He arrived after 25 minutes because the road wasn't pack with vehicles like usual. It was 3.35 in the morning. He parked his car and rushed to see Gemini. 

After 5 minutes, he finally saw him in the waiting area around the pharmacy. Gemini was sitting alone on his hospital clothes. Bowed his gazes down to his laps. He didn't notice Fourth who came approaching from the front. 

Their fingers slowly intertwined...

Gemini automatically lifted his gaze and smiled at Fourth. His boyfriend is finally here!

"Heyy...." Fourth greeted with teary eyes. He missed Gemini so much.

"Fourth, where were you? I've been calling for you..." Gemini pouted. Fourth bowed his eyes on his other half's fingers and caressed it with his fingers. 

It weren't as cold anymore. 

"Let's go back to your room na." Said Fourth. Gemini happily nodded.

The both of them walked side by side with fingers intertwined...

Fourth successfully sneaked in and locked the door. Lady Photjanee and Khun Racha weren't there because they were on call doctors. They already came and checked on their son before. Gemini was gotten better too.

Fourth tucked Gemini into bed, pulled the blanket over him and staring at him for minutes. He finally met him... Only God knows how much he missed this beautiful boy.

"Fourth, what happened to me?" Gemini asked.

"You were lying on the floor unconsciously." Said Fourth while smiling.

"At our condo?"

Fourth shook his head, "At your parents' home."

Gemini stunned. At his parents' home? He was not at their condo before? Then, he remembered everything. He quickly turned to Fourth and their eyes met. 

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