Chapter 11

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GEMINI walked out of the doctor's office with a medical tape on his injured area. He got stitches on his forehead. Dew rushed to see Gemini and quickly got him seated.

"You're feeling better?" He asked. Gemini nodded.

"Mister Gemini Norawit." The pharmacy called out for medicines. Dew went to the counter instead of Gemini.

After a while, they walked out of the building and got inside the vehicle. Gemini was sleeping throughout the journey to the mountain. He was in pain and his head feels heavy.

Meanwhile, Fourth and the rest were already arrived at the mountain. It was quite gloomy and chilly. The sky was cloudy and it looked like it was about to rain. Captain was the last one to stepped out from the vehicle.

"It's kinda cold, isn't it?" Said Mark.

"Is it normal?" Captain asked.

"Of course. It's a mountain for goodness sake. The seaside is warmer than mountains." Satang quickly kicked some reality into his friend who has been scared since the beginning of the trip.

Captain's eyebrows puckered. He didn't think so. He felt different and uncomfortable.

Fourth and his friends were standing in line. They didn't find the inn yet. They were busy checking their surroundings especially Captain.

"Mark, where is the inn?" Prom asked.

"Let's wait for P'Dew to arrive first." Mark said.

Fourth stepped towards the wooden bench and sat there. He was worried sick. Gemini was hurt. The blood that flowing from his boyfriend's forehead frightened him.

"Hey, let's sightseeing!" Ford excitedly said. The panorama was so beautiful.

"Let's go." Said Mark while smiling wide. He wanted to enjoy the scenery with Ford. Only the two of them.

Ford nodded and left with Mark.

Winny gently slapped Captain's back. His friend looked anxious. Captain was silent and he looked different from his usual self.

"Hey, what's up?" Winny asked.

Captain shook his head. Nobody is believing him except Gemini. He decided to shut his mouth in front of the rest. Winny smiled.

"It's chilly isn't it?"

Captain turned to Winny without replying anything. The most important thing, he can feel the coldness from Winny's hand. He just want to go back. The mountain was not safe for them.

"Nobody told me that it'll be cold and windy like this. The inn better have thick blankets!" Prom complained. He was shivering in his t-shirt and short pants.

They thought the mountain will be hot because it was very hot in Thailand.

Fourth stares at his phone and waited for some news from Gemini. But his boyfriend didn't call so he decided to join the others while waiting for Gemini. He walked towards Captain and saw him looking at the mountain with a serious face expression.

"What do you guys think about this place?" Captain asked out of the sudden.

"Great na." Winny replied.

"Except it's so cold!" Prom said. He hugged Satang to warm himself.

Fourth looked at the mountain that was located before their eyes and admitted that it was pretty dark. The moment they arrived, the sun disappeared. It was hot before.

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