Chapter 26

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GEMINI was dragged into the house by the guys and got locked in his bedroom. He was grounded and Lady Photjanee forbade him to go anywhere without the assistants. 

"Mom! Let me go mom!" Gemini shouted while knocking on the door. He tried to unlock but unfortunately it was locked from the outside. 

"Mom....Please let me go!" 


"You are not going back to that university." Lady Photjanee said from the outside of the room. 

Gemini stunned. The most frightening thing in his life finally happened. He will be send oversea and separated from Fourth. He shook his head, he was against the heartless idea!

"You can't do this to me mom..." He said.

"I have any right on you because you are my son."


Lady Photjanee wasn't there anymore. She has left the spot and left for work. She had a lot of cases to handle at the hospital. At the mean time, she and her husband will take care of Gemini's matters at the university. They will meet their close friends there to talk about Gemini. 

Gemini will be sending to United States.

"Mom...." Gemini cried. He can't talk to Fourth or anyone because his phone was confiscated by his mom. He leaned his back to the door while thinking of a way to escape.

The house was gigantic and filled with securities. His bedroom was guarded by the assistants 24/7. He rushed to the windows and saw how secured it was. There was no way he can escape through that.

He nervously walked back and forth.

Think Gem, think.

Urgh, his mind went blank. He couldn't think of anything! He have to escape before his parents send him to the oversea. He has too reunite with Fourth.




Mrs Gim put her son on her warm embrace the moment she arrived at the condo. When she was there, she saw Fourth was crying on the wooden bench, alone. He was there for almost an hour while waiting for her to come. 

"It's okay son. Mae will talk with her. Don't cry..." Mrs Gim calmed her son down. Fourth was so heartbroken with what happened.

He just want Gemini back. 

"Mae, he will be with us again right?" Fourth asked.

Mrs Gim quickly nodded and wiped her son's tears, "Yes dear. Of course! We will take him home okay?"

Fourth slowly nodded, frowned. He sank his face on his mom's shoulder and cried harder. He became weak when it comes to Gemini. He felt hopeless when they took him away. He couldn't do anything when Gemini was being taken away from him. 

He still remember how scared Gemini while being dragged out of their condo. How he kept on shouting his name...


Mrs Gim sighed. She had to do something to save her sons. She determined to meet Gemini's mom that day. No matter what happens, she will fight for her sons' happiness.

Nobody can snatch their happiness away from them.

"Mae, I will go with you." Fourth requested.


"Please mae..." He begged.

Mrs Gim just didn't know what to say when she saw her son was begging to her like that. My poor little child... She finally nodded. 

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