Chapter 14

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"Gem, is that you?"


"You're finally awake, Fourth..."

Fourth who was lying on the bed slowly got off the bed and walked to the door while sweating like crazy. Gemini was not next to him and he saw him at the kitchen alone. Gemini must been cooking something for him.

"Gem?" He called out. Carefully and gracefully...

"Fourth, come here."

Fourth who stopped by the bedroom doorstep automatically continued walking to the kitchen to meet Gemini. He saw him standing near the kitchen counter while facing the opposite direction.

"Gem, what are you doing here all by yourself?" Fourth asked. He was sick but Gemini was his first priority. He won't let Gemini do anything in the kitchen. He was worried if the knife would harm Gemini.

"Fourth..." Gemini turned around. Faced each other.

Fourth almost crashed to the cold hard floor when he saw the man in front of him. He's not Gemini!

"How did you come inside?" Fourth panicked.

The man in a red shirt smiled, "Through you."

"Where's Gemini??"

"He's not here. Only you and I."

"Gem!" Fourth called out for Gemini in fear. Gemini was nowhere to be seen. Where is he?

"Keep calling... He won't hear you."

"GEM.... GEMINI!!!"


"Hey, are you okay?" Gemini asked when he saw Fourth struggling in his sleep. He was short of breath and sweating so bad.

"Gem!" Fourth hugged Gemini as soon as he saw him. He was shaking and shivering.

"Nightmare?" Gemini asked while hugging his boyfriend. Fourth nodded.

"I saw the man in red again..."

Fourth's answer almost makes Gemini's heart drop. He was shocked. He thought it ended the moment they left the mountain. Did he followed them all the way home?

Or it was only in Fourth's imagination?

Sick people tend to have nightmares when they sleep.

"It's okay... You're safe with me. We already left the mountain." Gemini tried to calm him down. It seemed like Fourth's body temperature was higher than before.

"I will take you to the hospital." Gemini rushed to the closet and took out Fourth's outfits. He will change Fourth's clothes and drive him to the hospital.

Fourth was obedient. He just letting Gemini handled him until the both of them were inside the car. After Fourth's body was behind the seatbelt, Gemini drove his car to the marked destination.

Fourth was resting and mumbled in his sleep. He was talking gibberish. Gemini was worried sick because he had never seen Fourth acted like that before even when he was sick. His palm of hand kept on checking his boyfriend's temperature. On the forehead and the neck.

Fourth was taken to the doctor office and got a check up.

"He will be fine after taking the medicines." The male doctor said. Gemini was relieved. He took Fourth outside after the health check up was done.

They were waiting for the medicines when Fourth spoke something...

"He's there." Fourth said and pointed out to somewhere.

"Who is it?" Gemini didn't understand.

"That guy in red." Fourth replied. Gemini saw nobody in red in the pharmacy that day. Fourth must be hallucinating.

"Khun Fourth Nattawat." The nurse called. Gemini quickly went to the counter and took Fourth home after that.

The door clicked open. CLICK!

Fourth was sicker than before. He couldn't stand more than a few minutes. He had a bad headache and shivered. Gemini was frightened with what he see. Should he take him to the hospital again?

But the doctor said, he will be okay...

Fourth slowly leaned himself to the couch with eye closed. He was feeling very uncomfortable.

"Fourth, take your medicine." Gemini said while caressing Fourth's arm.

Fourth slowly swallowed the pills after a cup of water and lied on the couch. Gemini persuaded him to sleep on the bed but he refused. His body was aching all over. He was in pain everytime he moved.

Gemini got the blanket and covered Fourth's body with it.

"Please be better soon..." He whispered. He was scared because Fourth looked so sick after he was possessed by something in that mountain.

Which modern technology can't detect the real problem.

He sat on the floor and rested his head on the couch. He wanted to be near his boyfriend for 24/7.

About 30 minutes later, Fourth was awakened by his nightmare again. He can't breathe properly and cried like a little kid. Gemini panicked while caressing Fourth's chest. He was doing his best to calm him down.

"It's okay, I'm here..." Gemini said thousand of times. Fourth finally stopped crying only after 10 minutes.

Gemini was already on the same couch with Fourth in his warm embrace. For a year, it was Fourth who takes care of him.... It was Fourth who pampered him like a baby... It was Fourth who cook his favorite meals...

He promised to take care of him the same way... Be okay soon, baby.

9 PM.

Gemini fell asleep on the bed with Fourth but woke up soon after that. He heard some weird noises outside. What was that?

Gemini turned to the side and saw Fourth sleeping sound. He slowly left the bed and walked to the door. It seemed like the noises came from the kitchen. His eyebrows puckered... Who is in the kitchen? It was only him and Fourth in the condo.

The doorknob twisted to the side...

The door opened....

Gemini carefully stepped out and peeped. There was no one outside and the noises was gone. He didn't think he misheard before. Or he was dreaming?

"Gem, can I have him?" A voice suddenly whispered on Gemini's ear.

Gemini rapidly turned to left and right but nobody was there with him. The lights suddenly turned off and Gemini was left in the dark. Only the one in the bedroom was on.

"I want him."

Gemini clenched his teeth and yelled, "WHO ARE YOU!!"


"Turn around..."

Gemini quickly turned around and saw Fourth in the bed. He wanted to go to him but he failed to do that. His body froze.

"I want him...." Said the voice again.

Then Fourth was gone from the bed. Gemini panicked, "FOURTH!!!!"


Gemini quickly turned to his side and saw Fourth next to him. He was sleeping with a cooling gel sheet on his forehead.

Luckily, it was only a nightmare...


It was from Gemini's mom. Gemini quickly read the text message and his heart dropped.

- What is your relationship with Fourth? We need to talk -

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