Chapter 20

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SHE stepped on the stairs one by one until she reached the upstairs. She can't hear anything because it was too quiet that makes everything seemed strange. 

"Gem? Are you here dear?" Mrs Gim asked.

But Gemini didn't answer her. Mrs Gim stepped to the front of her son's bedroom that was tightly shut. She twisted the doorknob to the side...

The door locked. 

"Fourth?" She called but then decided to go downstairs for a duplicate key. She was worried about Fourth and Gemini.

Fourth smirked, "She's gone..." and whispered. 

Gemini cried so hard under Fourth. His body sore, his mouth wounded and his throat was hurting like hell. He begged him to stop but the demon never let him go. 

"So, what's next? Should I just... end you now?"

Gemini was shocked. The demon threatened to k!ll him. It wanted Fourth so bad and wanted Gemini to vanish as soon as possible so Fourth could be with someone. 

"You can't take him away from me!!" Gemini screamed. He fought with all his might. He wanted to escape the demon.

"He is mine. Fourth Nattawat is mine."

The demon laughed while strangled Gemini so it'll crack his neck. Gemini groaned out of pain, he slowly losing his breathe and almost fainted.

"FOURTH!!!" Until her voice echoed throughout the atmosphere. 


Gemini slowly opened his eyes. It was gloomy and empty. He quickly left the pillow and groaned soon after that.

"You're finally awake..."

Gemini turned to look at his boyfriend's mother. She was sitting next to the bed. Her eyes was red and wet.

"Mae...." Gemini slowly said. His throat sore so bad. He can barely talk.

"Mae sorry na..." Mrs Gim apologized. She felt guilty because of her son. Fourth hurts him. 

Her heart was broken when Gemini was very pale and in pain.

"Mae, where is Fourth?" Gemini asked. He looked around to find his other half.

"He is outside."


"He's blaming himself for what happened..." Mrs Gim said. She also shed a tear. Gemini sighed.

"Mae... This is not his fault na. That wasn't Fourth." Gemini said. He tried to convinced her that was not her and Fourth fault. That was the demon's doing.

"It's not your fault too, mae..."

Mrs Gim nodded while hugging Gemini. She was shocked to deäth when he saw Gemini on the bed before. He was lying with blood flowing from his mouth. Meanwhile Fourth was next to him, unconscious. It was very scary...

She remembered about the monk's message, to always keep an eye on Fourth because he can be dangerous. She was making a wrong decision when she decided to left Gemini with Fourth. 

"Mae, can i see Fourth?" Gemini requested. Mrs Gim nodded and went out to get her son. 

After a while, Fourth slowly entered the room without Mrs Gim. Gemini was hospitalized for a day due to his throat injury and bruises all over his body. His neck was almost broken too. 

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