Chapter 27

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MRS Gim and Fourth stood up when Gemini's mom left her seat. Lady Photjanee was walking towards Mrs Gim with serious face. She had an important thing to say to her.

Mrs Gim was standing tall and looked at her with a pleasure smile. She was ready to listen to everything she was going to say. She knew that it won't be easy because she knew her too well. They were classmates for years.

She was brilliant and arrogant at the same time. She could be heartless for disowned her own little brother just because he was different. For her, he was a monster.

"Listen carefully..."

Mrs Gim was facing Lady Photjanee while smiling big.

"We are against this. Take your son home, they are no longer FRIENDS from this moment on."

The way she emphasized the 'friends' word in front of them was enough to show how much she hated her son's choice.

Fourth kneeled down and begged, he can't accept the fact that he have to be apart from Gemini. He was begging over and over and over again.... Kneeling before her for some mercy.

She smirked and didn't even care about Mrs Gim's son.

"Please, Lady Photjanee.... Please let me see Gem...." Fourth started to cry. Mrs Gim quickly picked him up from the floor.

Fourth was sick before and almost die. Gemini was there with him even though he got hospitalized because of Fourth. The demon almost cracked Gemini's neck if she wasn't home at that time.

"Can we see Gemini first?" Mrs Gim asked for a permission. Lady Photjanee snorted.

"You may leave. We are busy." She said.

Fourth started to broke down. He missed Gemini and wanted to see him even just for a few seconds.

Then one of the assistant rushed down to where they were talking while nervously said, "Khun Photjanee, Khun Gem...."

All eyes on the assistant.

"What's with him??" Lady Photjanee nervously asked. She moved closer to the assistant. Khun Racha did the same.

Mrs Gim and Fourth stunned.

"Khun Gemini is lying on his bedroom's floor unconsciously." He said.


The first person who ran to Gemini's bedroom was Fourth. He didn't even know where it was but his instinct brought him there. He rushed to Gemini when he reached the area. His boyfriend was lying on the floor while looking pale. He panicked.

"Gem....Gem.... Wake up!" He gently slapped Gemini's cheeks to woke him up.

He tried to calm himself down and kept on touching Gemini's cheeks. Checked on his breathe and pulse. Everything was weak. What happened to Gemini?

"Gem, wake up Gem. Baby, wake up. Fourth is here na..." Fourth said and burst into tears once again. He was so scared to see Gemini 'lifeless' like that.

Seconds after, Fourth felt the movements from Gemini. Gemini's finger was moving and touching his fingers. He was about to checked when Lady Photjanee rushed to see her son.

"Norawit, Norawittt!" Lady Photjanee took Gemini from Fourth. She cried while calling for her son.

"Take him to hospital!!" Lady Photjanee shouted, panicked.





Fourth was sitting outside of the emergency room while crying. Gemini was taken to the emergency room by being unconscious with weakened heartbeats and pulse.

Mrs Gim put her son into her embrace, "It's okay. Gemini will be okay."

Fourth can't even talk. That was his first time to see Gemini like that. Gemini was very pale and cold. His hands as cold as an ice.

1 hour passed and there still no news about Gemini. Fourth didn't know what exactly happened with his other half. He was frightened by his own thoughts. Lady Photjanee and Khun Racha were inside the emergency room because they were the ones who treated their own son.

Mrs Gim was worried sick.

"Mae, did you know what's wrong with Gemini?" Fourth asked. He wanted to know.

Mrs Gim slowly shook her head as the answer. She didn't know in detail.

"Mae, did I treat him bad when I was sick? What actually happened when he got hospitalized?"

Nobody was willing to tell him the truth about what happened that time. Gemini requested that it should remain as a secret. He didn't want Fourth to blame himself. He only told Fourth that Fourth accidentally pushed him to the floor. That the incident hurts his mouth and neck.

Mrs Gim didn't talk.


"Mae have promised Gemini not to talk about this with you."

Fourth's eyebrows puckered.


"Mae think, we should respect his request."


Mrs Gim sighed. She finally spilled the truth and it shocked Fourth to death. He strangled Gemini? And almost cracked his neck? He even harmed him so bad... He injured his throat and bled.

That explained about Gemini's sore throat... He kept on taking his medicines for that.

Fourth slapped himself hard in the face. He was a jerk! A damn bastard! A MONSTER!

"Fourth, it wasn't you. The demon was taking over you." Mrs Gim stopped Fourth from slapping himself. That was why she and Gemini decided to keep it as a secret before.

Fourth stood up and walked towards the emergency room. Gemini was inside and he couldn't be there to hold his hand. He was broken into million pieces. He wanted to see Gemini...

He won't give up. He won't let him go.




Fourth was standing outside of the room while looking at Gemini through the small glass window. He was banned to go inside. Gemini's parents told him to leave Gemini alone.

"You may leave. He is safe with us. Don't ever come here again. The both of you are over." Said Lady Photjanee.

Fourth can't seem to say anything when she said that. It was because of his mom. She told him to calm down and leave first. She promised to deal with Lady Photjanee and Khun Racha when Gemini is gotten better.

The tears hits his cheeks again. How can he leave his other half there? He can't imagine how cold and lonely his boyfriend when he was not around. Gemini will be calling for him the moment he open his eyes later...

Mrs Gim caressed her son's back and persuaded him to go back first.


"Fourth... Let's go back first okay? We will be back, mae promise."

Fourth was looking at his mom with teary eyes. He didn't want to leave but he can't stay too. Lady Photjanee and her husband forbade him to see Gemini. Lady Photjanee warned him to stay away from her son.

"Go home." She said and shut the door in front of Fourth's face.

Mrs Gim took her son home after a while. At home, he won't eat anything and locked himself in his bedroom. He didn't answer his friends' texts and phone calls.




Gemini slowly opened his eyes and noticed the unfamiliar space. Where is he?

"Fourth...." He slowly called.

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