Chapter 25

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A day prior...

"URGH, LOVEBIRDS!" Winny said while pretended to feel jealous. There was Gemini and Fourth were feeding each other food in front of his freaking salad.

Well, he was indeed jealous... What a single life he had. Pfft.

"Open your mouth, aaaa...." Fourth put the spoon to Winny's mouth. He wanted to feed him since he was feeling so single.

Gemini smiled when he saw him blushed.

"What are you doing?" Winny shyly asked. 

"Au, you want someone to feed you right? Now open your mouth....Aaaaa..." Fourth already got off his seat and stood closer to his friend. 

Satang and the rest laughed. Winny was shy and it was funny to see him like that. 

"It's okay Fourth. Let me feed him." Satang winked. Winny surprised when Satang suddenly put the spoon into his mouth. The spoon that was filled with spicy som tam. 

Winny can't eat spicy food that well. He quickly grabbed Prom's drink and drank it all.

"Hey, my drink!" Prom whining. 

"That's mine na..." Captain was next when his drink was gone because of Winny. 

"This is all his fault. Ask him to buy new drinks for you guys." Winny said. The spiciness still lingered on his tongue. Satang laughed.

"Are you okay?" Gemini asked. Winny's face reddened.

"You better treat me something cold!" Winny scolded Satang. His friend was so evil! He almost died.

"Er!" Satang chuckled and left the table. He went to one of the counter to buy something for his friends.

New drinks for Captain and Prom, an ice cream for Winny. He put the ice cream to Winny's mouth, "Do you want me to feed you?"

All of them were rooting for Satang and Winny. Winny was embarrassed, his cheeks flushed so bad. Damn it, Satang! 

Satang grinned. He loved teasing him. Well, Winny looked kinda cute whenever he's shy though. Winny quickly seized the ice cream from Satang and finished it in a few seconds. He acted very funny when he was shy.

After 5 minutes, Mark was there with his senior, P'Dew. 

"I'm glad you're okay now." P'Dew said while gently patted on Fourth's shoulder. Fourth smiled.

"Thanks P." He replied. He won't be jealous with Dew and Gemini anymore. Gemini didn't leave his side when he was sick, so there is no reason to hurt his feeling.

P'Dew smiled and left soon after that. He decided to treat Gemini as a junior. Not more than that. He decided to respect their relationship...

Even though he was heartbroken but he will be okay.

Mark sat down next to Ford and gave him something. It was short cakes, Ford loves cake so much. 

"I think the fortune teller was right na..." Prom said. Ford flustered. Dang! Prom wasn't supposed to say that in front of Mark.

"Fortune.... Teller?" Mark was confused.

Ford fake laughed, "Hahaha!!! Let's enjoy our lunch!!" 

Mark scratches his head and left to buy his lunch. He was hungry and promised Ford to eat lunch together that day.

Ford clenched his teeth and pointed his finger to Prom, "I will kick you a**!"

"Hey, what are guys talking about here? What's with the fortune teller?" Fourth didn't get it. He and Gemini just didn't understand what was happening. 

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