Chapter 4

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THE last class ended. It was time to go home. Gemini quickly grabbed his bag and things, got ready to rush home. Mark stopped him from leaving.

"Hey Gem, can you help me with something?"

"About what?"

"I need someone to tutor me about this subject and I know you are good at it. Can you help me with this?"

Gemini nodded, "Okay, I will. See you later!" And fled away. Mark didn't got the chance to say his goodbye.

"Okay, see you tomorrow..." He slowly replied when his friend was long gone.

Gemini rushed to his car but before that he tried to reach Fourth via phone calls. Fourth didn't answer and all the calls turned to miscalls. Gemini was worried and drove home like a mad man. It doesn't matter if the tyres hit the bumps or holes on the road, he just want to quickly arrive to meet his boy.

The car parked, he rushed to the elevator and then ran to his condo unit. His face was wet with sweats. He was sweating like crazy, he was nervous and scared. The key card inserted and the door clicked opened.

"Fourth!" He loudly called while stepping into the condo but then went speechless when he saw Fourth was busy cooking in the kitchen.

He was confused as hell as he walked closer to him.

"You're home." Fourth greeted and was smiling sweetly. He was frying something for his boyfriend. He knew Gemini haven't eaten anything yet.

"Er -" Gemini stuttered. He thought Fourth was angry and will throwing a tantrum when he see him. But...

"Go take a shower and we will eat together." Said Fourth.

Gemini who was confuse slowly nodded and left the area. He walked to their bedroom with a lot in his mind. Fourth sighed. He decided to not letting his emotion overshadow him. Or else he will hurt Gemini's feeling and make him sad. Even worse, he will make him shed the tears with his anger and jealousy. He was afraid and didn't want to lose Gemini.

The meals was ready, Fourth smiled when Gemini walked towards the dining table with his wet hair. He was not done drying his hair with a towel.

"Gem, come here." Fourth called. Gemini moved closer to him and stared at him.

Fourth took the towel from Gemini's hand and gently pulled him closer. After Gemini was seated on his laps, "Let me dry your hair."

Gemini just letting Fourth moved the towel freely on his head and just enjoyed the moment. There was a lot of things he wanted to ask Fourth but he just didn't dare to start. He was scared if he will harm him emotionally. So he decided to shut his mouth for the time being.

"Let's eat." Said the other person and putting the wet towel away. Gemini got up from his boyfriend's laps and took a sit on a chair. They were facing each other like usual.

Gemini smiled when he saw fried chickens with extra cheese sauce. Normally, Fourth will scold him for his 'unhealthy' food consumption. He said it's too fatty, full of calories and oily. Fourth even manage a food consumption schedule for him because he's worried sick about his health. Fourth was indeed his best personal nutritionist.

"Are you sure about this?" Gemini asked while pointed his finger to his plate.

"Uhm, you can eat it today." Said Fourth while chewing on his favorite salad.

"But this is too much oil and fat na..." Gemini teased. Fourth chuckled.

"Mai pe lai lok (it's okay), you can eat it today baby."

Gemini nodded and started to digged in. He was enjoying his meal because it was soooo good. Fourth is just a good cook. He rubbed his belly when he was full.

"Thank you."

Fourth replied it with a smile. He was done with his meal way before Gemini. He was ready to bring the empty used plates to the sink when Gemini grabbed his hand. He stopped moving and turned his face to Gemini while wiggling his eyebrow.

"Let me do that." Gemini said. He left his seat, took the plates from Fourth's hands and put it on the sink. He even cleansed his boyfriend's hands with clean tissues.

"Are you okay?" Gemini asked while holding his boyfriend's hands. Their eyes automatically locked.

"Of course I am." Fourth smiled. His eyes twinkled like a beautiful star.

Gemini knew Fourth was lying. He knew Fourth was upset but just kept it hidden.

"Rak na (Love you)." Gemini said while staring at Fourth like a cute puppy. Fourth chuckled.

"Stop making that face." Fourth slapped Gemini's forehead.


"You are so damn cute, Gem!" Fourth caressed Gemini's forehead which had been slapped by him moments ago. He laughed when Gemini's forehead turned red.

"You're so mean!" Gemini pouted, pushed Fourth away from him.

"I'm sorry. Does it hurt baby?" Fourth still laughed. Was trying to pulled Gemini closer.

"Of course ai'Fourth!"

"What did you just called me? I have told you that it'll be more than kisses if you called me that right?" Fourth covered Gemini's mouth with his palm of hand. Gemini struggled to escape. He was being a brat again that day.

"You called me the same at campus today na." Gemini complained.

"I had to. Our friends were there."

"It's not fair! Ai'Fourth!" Gemini sulked and whining. He was already in Fourth's arms.

"Dai! (Fine!) Then you're asked for it Gem." Fourth tightened his arms around Gemini's slim waist and dragged him to their bedroom. He will punish Gemini. Gemini screamed while being tickled by Fourth. He was laughing like crazy.

"Fourth! Okay, okay.... I surrender..." Gemini laughed. The both of them were on bed and Fourth was so ready to punish him. Fourth smirked.

"It's too late Gem."

"No! I'm sorry! Please let me gooooo!"

"Not until I'm done." Fourth whispered into Gemini's ear. Gemini was ticklish with Fourth's hot breathes. He was restless.

"So, now tell me... Who am I..." Fourth asked. He was on top of his boyfriend with eyes on Gemini's lips.

"Fourth... Fourth Nattawat." Gemini replied.

"Do you love me?" Fourth asked the second question. Gemini aggresively nodded. He just wanted to be free. Fourth smiled.

"I love you more." He said and showered Gemini with kisses. Two on forehead, two on each cheek, two on chin and LOTS on lips. Gemini chuckled, was looking beautifully adorable.

Fourth slowly moved to the side while holding his boyfriend's hand, "I will let you go this time because you need to rest." He said.

Gemini and Fourth were staring at the ceiling  without saying anything.

...with their fingers intertwined.

...Oh, darling, all of the city lights never shine as bright as your eyes
I would trade them all for a minute more...

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