Chapter 12

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THEIR friends shouted like maniacs. What happened? 


The knocking on the door was getting worse and scary. Fourth rushed to open the door and saw Prom, Satang and Winny outside sweating like crazy. As the door opened, the three of them rushed into the room and quickly locked the door. 

Fourth and Gemini were taken aback by their friends' strange behavior. What was actually happening to them?

"Mind to tell us what is happening right now?" Fourth finally got the chance to ask. 

"What happened to your cheek?" Gemini realized the plaster tape on Satang's face.

When Satang was about to reply, the cold breeze that came from the balcony startled them. The balcony's door was wide opened. Fourth rushed to the balcony to check but nothing was there.

The wind must be too strong that noon. Fourth was sure that the balcony sliding door was locked before. Prom shivered uncontrollably. He was scared at the same time.

Fourth lifted his head up to the gloomy sky, it was dark and cloudy. The weather was getting colder too. He walked back inside and locked the balcony. 

"What happened?" Then repeated his question.

Winny, Satang and Prom were looking at each other and gulped down. 


Fourth and Gemini were waiting for Prom to continue. Fear was written on their friends' faces. Gemini suddenly remembered a man in red shirt who was standing behind Fourth before. He got goosebumps.

"He's acting weird and scary." Prom said. He was Captain's roommate.

"Winny and I were there too and we saw how scary he was..." Satang added. Fourth just didn't got it. Scary? 

"He said, he saw a man in red!" Winny intervened. Gemini was shocked. He saw the same man too.

"So he's alone now?" Gemini asked. Prom nodded. Captain was too different from his own self. Like it was not a real Captain.

"Probably..." Prom slowly replied. 

"Let's go see him." Gemini said. He wanted to talk to Captain about the mystery man. He might be the same or a different man. 

"Are you sure?" Winny asked. Gemini nodded.

"Uhm, let's go." Fourth supported his boyfriend's decision. They left to where Captain was located at that time.

After 4 rooms away, they have arrived in front of the room. They were standing stiff without intended to open the door. Satang asked Prom to open it but Prom was against the idea.

"You open the door!" Prom said to Satang.

"This is your damn room Ai'Prom!" Satang scolded.

"There is no such rule. Anyone can open it." Prom still against it. He stepped back and stood next to Gemini. Satang sighed.

"Maybe you can try." Then he changed to his roommate, Winny. Winny quickly disagreed.

"Oho, no no no!" Winny stepped back and stood next to Fourth. Now it was only Satang who was standing close to the door. 

"I will open the door." Said Fourth. Gemini automatically turned to see his boyfriend. 

Fourth slowly stepped forward, holding the door knob and turned it to the side.


The door was opened and the inside was too quiet. It was an opposite with what occurred to Satang, Prom and Winny before. It wasn't a good sign...

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