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Fairytale Land, many years ago

Cora stood at a clearing in the woods where Rumple told her to meet him. They had planned to run away but the king had changed her mind. She chose power over love and ripped her own heart out.

"Hello, Deary." he appeared and kissed her passionately with a content smile on his face. However his brunette lover didn't return the kiss with the same passion. Her eyes were empty and almost black. Her kind and soft brown eyes completely gone.

"What's wrong? Something is different." he noticed and stepped a few feet away from the young woman.

She sighed and showed him the box where her heart was held captive.

"You ripped it out. Why? You promised! We had a deal! You are going to give me your child!" he shouted angrily.

"No. I only owe you your child. It's over, Rumple." she said and took the box from him before leaving to go back to the castle.

What she didn't tell him was that she was already carrying his child.

a few months later...

Henry had been overjoyed when he found out about his wife's pregnancy and now that she was in labour he couldn't be happier.

After hours of waiting and hearing his wife scream through the pain a nurse finally came out of the room to tell him the good news that he had a healty child. However the nurse just shook her head and looked down on the floor with sad eyes.

The young prince knew what that meant. The baby was dead.

"Can I see her?" he asked hopefully but again the maid shook her head.

"Her highness wants to be left alone." he nodded with tears in his big brown and went to his quaters.

Meanwhile Cora wrapped the very much alive baby girl in a light purple blanket with the name 'Regina' stiched into it and left in a cloud of purple smoke.

She appeared in a high tower that was secretly build for her baby daughter a few months ago, where a nanny was already waiting.

"Her name is Regina. Take care of her until I return tomorrow." she ordered. The other woman nodded and took the baby from Cora's arms and laid the tiny girl into her crip.

With that the sorceress returned to the castle and played the mourning mother for her husband.

The baby was very powerful because of who her real father was and so she had to hide her away.

Such power had to be protected from the outside world and especially from Rumplestilskin who could try and take her away and use her to cast his curse.

The girl would belong only to herself and no one would ever know about the little princess.

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