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Robin rode through the forest, unaware of what had happened with his love. For him it was a normal day. When he reached the tall tower he called up to Regina and climbed her hair like always. However when he reached the top something was different. Regina seemed different.

She wasn't smiling like she usually did, instead the brunette looked tense, almost indifferent. "Hello, my love. I've missed you." he greeted her and wanted to kiss her on her full red lips but the young girl pushed him away.

"We need to talk. I-I don't love you anymore, Robin. I'm not sure I ever did. I think I just needed someone to get me out of this prison and you seemed like the perfect guy." she said never looking him in the eyes.

He was shocked. Totally heartbroken and confused he tried to take her hand but again he was pushed away.

"That's not true, right? Your mother is forcing you to say this, right? Please, look at me and tell me that you don't love me and then I'll leave." he shouted while tears ran down his face.

Meanwhile the real Regina was trying hard to break the wall down that was keeping her from Robin. She screamed for dear life but it was vain. Her lover was falling for her mother's act. She slammed into the wall and cried when she saw him crying.

"Robin! Robin, please don't believe her."

Robin however was believing every word the fake Regina said. "Tell me! Look at me and say you don't love me!" he ordered and the brunette finally looked up.

"I don't love you!" Cora snarled and when his eyes caught hers he realized that it wasn't Regina. These eyes were colder and lighter than Regina's. Those eyes were the eyes of the Evil Queen.

"You are not Regina! You are the Evil Queen." the thief stated and at that words Regina was relieved. Her mother turned back into herself with the cut off hair suddenly in her hands, tied together in a thick braid.

"You are right, I'm not. Regina is lost to you forever. You will never see her again. She is mine!" she screamed and Robin saw the dark hair in the older woman's hand that he had no doubt belonged to his girlfriend.

"What have you done with her?" he shouted but he only got a wicked laugh in return.

Regina was still screaming for him but she knew he would never hear her.

"You'll never know. Leave now, thief and disgrace another family." the older brunette smirked and slowly approached him while he took a few steps back. His back collided at the window sill but Cora was still approaching him. When they were only inches away from eachother Cora gave him a hard push and he fell down from the tower. He screamed as he met the ground and his eyes were pierced with thorns.

Cora was right. He would never see Regina again even if she stood right in front of him. He was blind.

With a smug grin on her thin red lips the witch turned to her broken daughter who was now crawling over to the window and looked down at Robin.

"He will never see you again. I told love is weakness but you were so foolish to believe that he could help you." she smirked and rubbed her daughter's stubly head. Her hands went down to Regina's shoulders and her long nails digged into the smooth skin.

"No! I love him and he loves me. We will be together!" the young girl shouted and received a hard slap to her already bruised cheek in return.

"You foolish child! Where I'll be taking you no one will ever see you again!" the queen gripped the girl's arm and disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

When the smoke cleared they were in the forest but not the forest Regina was used to. It was colder and darker.

"Where are we?" the young brunette asked and Cora only laughed.

"This, my dear, is the Neverending Forest. No one without magic will ever find a way out of here. He will never find you!" she replied and vanished right before her daughter's eyes.

"No! Mother? Mother, please don't leave me!" Regina begged but she knew her mother would never come back.

The brunette looked around and sank down on a nearby tree. It was so cold without her hair to act as a natural blanket and she curled into a ball on the cold forest floor. "Oh, Robin, where are you? Please find me! I know we'll always find eachother." she sobbed and closed her eyes tightly while new tears ran down her face.

She knew that she was now truly alone. Her mother left her and Robin was probably dead. No one could survive such a fall.

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