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Storybrooke :

A few months later...

She had been watching the girl for quite some now. Even back in the Enchanted Forest she had watched her all this time until Cora had cast the curse. For twenty eight years the girl stayed hidden but now she was watching her again. Regina was now 7 months pregnant and had taken a job as a waitress in the diner ever since Ruby quit.

She stood outside across from Granny's as she saw Regina leaving. It was already dark so Regina was quick to get home but then someone grabbed her by the arm. It was the mayor Cora.

"You are coming home with me now. I've waited long enough. " she heard the old woman shout and saw the young girl struggling to get free but to no avail.

This was the moment for her to show herself and help Regina. "Leave her alone! She said she didn't want to go with you." She said sternly and pushed the old woman away from the girl.

Cora glared at the stranger but didn't try again.
" Who are you? This is none of your business. " she snarled.

"My name is not important. Now leave before I call the police and tell them you broke the rules. " Cora was speechless for a moment before she walked away and got in her car.

"Thank you! I couldn't do anything. Who are you?" Regina asked the slightly older girl.

"I'm Julia. I'm a midwife so if you still need one I would love to help." She explained and Regina nodded.

"I would love to. My boyfriend thinks we don't need a midwife but I'm not sure I can do this alone. I'm only 18 after all." The brunette replied.

"It's okay to ask for help. Shall I get you home? You seem quite shaken. " Regina nodded and the older girl led her down the street to her appartement.

"Regina! I was getting worried. What happened? And who is that?" Robin asked as the two women got into the appartement. Julia helped her to sit down and looked around the room in awe. She never had seen such a big flat in her life.

"This is Julia. She helped me. My mother waited for me outside the diner. She wanted to take me home with her but thanks to Julia she left me alone. She is a midwife Robin." Regina explained as Robin poured her a glass of water. He eyed Julia carefully not sure what to think of the women. She was a complete stranger and he didn't quite trust her. Yes she saved Regina but that didn't mean she wasn't dangerous.

Julia realized this and decided to leave. " I should go now. You have my number if you need any help with the babies." She said and then left the appartement. Regina glared at her boyfriend for a moment before she stood up and walked into the bathroom to get ready for the night. Her hair had grown quite a bit in these past few months and now reached to the middle of her back.

Robin followed her not sure what he did wrong. "Why are you mad at me?"

"You were rude to her. Did you seriously think I didn't notice how you looked at her. She helped me and you looked at her as if she was a mass murderer." Regina stated angrily and Robin didn't really know what to say in return. He had never seen his girl friend getting angry and he really didn't want a fight. Especially now since she could give birth any day now.

"I know I'm sorry. I just don't trust her. She could very well be a murderer or some sort of psycho. We don't know her, Regina. Do you really trust her with our babies? Honestly I don't." He said honestly and Regina realized that he was right. Sometimes she really was too naive for her own good.

"You are right. I will call the hospital tomorrow and check if there is a midwife called Julia working there." She replied and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. " You were right. I shouldn't be so trusting all the time. I'm sorry. "

"It's okay. Can we go to bed now?"


The next morning Regina did as she had promised and called the hospital. Robin had been right there was no midwife called Julia. The other girl had really lied to her but why?

When Robin was at work she called Julia and asked her to come over for tea.

"Thanks for the invitation. So your boyfriend calm down? He didn't seem pleased yesterday. " the older girl said as Regina poured them both a cup of tea.

"I know you lied to me. Your name isn't Julia." Regina replied and the other girl looked shocked.

"I'm well I... Uhm. ... I .... am a midwife but you are right my name is not Julia. My name is ...."


Sorry it's so short but I wanted to leave the end open. Let's see who can guess who this stranger is. Please let me know what you think and leave a comment?

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