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"... Zelena. My name is Zelena and I'm your sister. Well half sister to be precise. Our mother gave me away after I was born and after I found out I moved here. I have been watching you ever since. " the red head stammered and Regina gaspsed. She had another sister? But how? Why did her mother never tell her? Just why?

This was too much for her.

"Please go. I can't deal with this right now." She told Zelena with tears in her eyes but the older girl refused to make a move. She wanted to be there for her little sister and be a family. Regina was everything she had left since she obiviously couldn't count on her birth mother. She had been present during the trial and had heard every terrible detail of her sister's life cursed or not. She was sure Cora had hurt her sister before the curse too and she couldn't take it. She had envied her sister for being raised by their mother but she had learned quickly that she got lucky to never know Cora. That woman was a monster.

"I can't go, Regina. I need you and you need me. You are the only family I have. I came here because I thought we could have a good relationship. A happy life without our mother. I know what she did to you and I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." Zelena answered and Regina fell into her arms and sobbed heavily into her shoulder. She had finally found someone who was just as broken as her.

Seems like her mother wasn't so decent after all.

"It's okay, I'm here. You don't need to cry." Zelena whispered as she stroked her little sister's hair.

"I'm just so confused. First I find out that my father is not my father and now I have a sister. This is so strange. Everyday I find out more secrets about my mother and I can't stand it." Regina sobbed. The red head understood perfectly what the girl was going through. When she found out her father wasn't really her father she had been devastated and then she found out that her mother had moved on and had other children and was not only sad but also unbelievably angry until she found out what her mother was doing to Regina and wanted to help her sister.

"I know. I was just as confused as you now when I found out the thruth." The older girl explained and felt Regina relax slowly.

Two months later...

The babies were due any day now and Regina and Robin were really excited for their arrival.

Zelena visited once a week for lunch and to see if everything was alright with Regina and the babies. Mary and the others had been shocked to find out that there was another sister but they welcomed her into the family without a second thought.

Now Regina sat on Mary's sofa while the teacher was brushing her long hair. It now reached down to her waist and the lenght really suited her. As children they had done this almost everyday since Mary always loved her sister's hair. It was so beautiful in comparism to her own.

"I can't believe it's down to your waist already. It has grown so quickly. I wish I had hair like you." The pale woman said dreamingly.

"You could always grow it out. You used to have long hair as a child too." Regina observed and turned to look at her sister.

"I don't know. It would take ages to grow out and it would look awful. My hair is just untameable. It was always tangled and looked like a bird net that's why I let Mother cut it in the first place. The pixie is far easier to manage." Mary explained and turned her sister back so she could continue to style her hair. There wasn't anything else they could do anyway. It was Mary's day off and she had agreed to watch her sister. Ever since Cora had tried to kidnap her they decided to watch over her all the time to make sure Cora wouldn't try anything again.

"Robin likes it too. He can't stop touching it. By the way I am supposed to meet him right now for lunch." She replied standing up and getting her jacket.

"But be careful." Mary called after her as the younger girl exited the building.

Robin was waiting for her in front of Granny's and she was already late so she picked up her pace although the doctor warned her about it now that the twins could arrive any moment.

As she reached the diner she suddenly felt something warm running down her legs.

"Did you just have an accident? " Robin asked and his girlfriend shook her head as she felt a strong pain in her stomach.

"My water just broke." She gaspsed and Robin rushed to her side.

Suddenly the earth shook around them and everything was covered in purple smoke. As the smoke cleared Regina suddenly remembered everything. Her mother banishing her in the forest, Robin finding her, the blindness going, the curse. The curse! It was broken! But how? Did Emma finally believe? No it couldn't be. It had to do with her twins she was sure of it. Maybe Rumple was wrong and Emma was not the saviour all along. Her babies were products of true love as well. They had broken the curse.

"Regina!" Robin picked her up in his arms and whirled her around before giving her a passionate kiss. " We need to get you to the hospital now. I'll call your siblings and your fathers as soon as we are there. Come on. " he helped her to his car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital. On their way another cloud of smoke rolled over Storybrooke and Regina felt something strange inside of her. She had no idea what it was but it couldn't be good.

As they reached the hospital they immediatly rushed her to a bed and Robin called everyone that it was finally time to meet the twins.

Regina felt uneasy the whole time. The curse was broken and magic was back so her mother had her powers back and could easily destroy her happiness. She just hoped Rumple would get there soon to protect her just in case.

To be continued...

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