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After dinner everyone sat in the study to talk. Rapunzel mostly clung to William and her sister, wanting to get to know her.

"Let's go somewhere more exciting. " Destiny proposed, feeling bored with all the adults in the room. Roland and Reginald were in bed already so there was no one their age.

Rapunzel nodded and followed her sister outside to the stables. The girl had never seen a horse before, had only read about them in books, so she was fascinated as she saw all those horses.

"This is your horse." Destiny pointed to a light brown mare with a white nose. Rapunzel was again confused. She had her own horse? But why?

"I have my own horse?" She asked and petted it's nose softly, feeling the soft fur.

"Yeah. Rocinante, Mom ' s horse, had twins as well a few years ago, so both of us have our own horse. We called him Thunder since he is quite wild, mine is called Blizzard. " her sister explained with a bright smile.

"He is beautiful. " the blonde girl mumbled, but Destiny saw in her eyes that something was off. It was that look. The same look their mother often had.

"What's wrong? I can see that you aren't happy. You have the look." Rapunzel didn't know what to say. What look?

"What look? What do you mean?" She questioned and turned away from the horse.

"It's the same sad look Mom often has. Did Cora hurt you? Because Mom always has that look when I ask her about Cora. " Rapunzel shrugged her shoulders. She didn't want to talk about it, however she knew she had to at some point and Destiny was her sister, her twin sister. Destiny already knew the answer to that. They had a connection so she felt exactly what Rapunzel had felt.

"Yes, she did." She admitted timidly and stared at the floor. Destiny had tears in her eyes and went to hug her little sister tightly.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to open old wounds." She whispered and stroked her sister's hair carefully.

"It's okay. It's over now."


"Mom, can I ask you something? " Rapunzel asked as her mother tugged her into her bed. She may be sixteen, but she still liked to be tugged in.

"Of course, sweety. You can ask me anything." The brunette smiled and sat on the bed, wrapping on arm around the girl's shoulder.

"Are you and dad married? " Regina sighed and shook her head. She still wore the ring around her neck and played with it.

"No, we aren't. He proposed to me a long time ago, while I was still locked up but we never got the chance. First, Cora found out and banished me. Then, we were cursed for 28 years and then you were kidnapped and we had to go back here. I didn't want to get married without you. " She explained to her daughter and stroked a few locks out of her face.

Rapunzel felt bad for ruining everyone ' s life. She didn't want her parents to feel they needed to wait because of her.

"Would you get married now?"

"Sure, if your father still wants to get married, we could. However, I don't need to be married to him, to know that I will spend the rest of my life with him. We've come too far to get separated again." Regina smiled, giving her daughter a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Why do you ask?"

"William, he asked me a few weeks ago to run away with him and get married but I wasn't sure." The teenager admitted.

"It's okay uf you aren't ready. You are only sixteen after all and if he is the right one he will wait. With me and your father it was different. We were over 18 and we knew eachother a little longer than you two. Don't worry, you have your whole life still ahead of you and you don't need to get married right away." Regina took her hand in her's and gave it a comforting sqeeze as Rapunzel looked into her eyes and flashed her a small smile.

"Thank you! "

"You don't need to thank me. I wish I could have had such advice from my mother when I was your age. Now, try to get some sleep. If you need anything, my room is just next door and Destiny's is the next room after mine. " Rapunzel nodded and laid down, before her mother tugged the blanket tighter around her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. That's what the teenager had always wanted, a mother who loved and supported her every step on the way.

For the first time in her life she felt save and wanted and could sleep without nightmares. This was her home and her family. She didn't need anything else.


Okay, who wants to see Cora in the next chapter? And who wants and OQ wedding? Please let me know what you think! And if there is anything you would like to see in the future just tell me. I really love to find out what you guys have in mind. Sadly, this story will come to an end soon. However, if you want to read more of me, you can always give me prompts for my collection or even a prompt for a whole story and I will to write that. My ships are all listed in my prompt collection.


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