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So here is the new chapter. Please people let me know what you think! Leave comments and if you have any ideas or questions or if there is anything you would like to see just let me know and I will try to work it in. Thank you for the comments so far and your neverending support! I love you guys! And if you have prompts check out my prompt collection and give me a message with your request.

Storybrooke :

After Cora's visit Regina was confused. Was her mother really trying to be nice? Or was it all a trick? Could she trust her? And most importantly should she forgive her?

Robin sensed her discomfort and took her hand. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours? You know just because she was nice today doesn't mean she will change. " he reminded her and the others nodded in agreement.

" I just don't know what to believe anymore." She mumbled.

"It's okay. Cora is a pretty good actress. But you shouldn't believe anything that woman says." Emma stated while pouring herself another cup of coffee.

" Emma ' s right. And before you forgive Cora you should try and forgive Gold. He is your father and he didn't know. The only one who knew is Cora." Mary said and poured a cup for herself. She really wanted her sister to be happy and have a good relationship with her father.

She knew that deep down Regina was curious and wanted to meet him but she was also stubborn.

" But what if he is terrible? Like Mother. I have a great dad already and don't need another one who doesn't know anything about me. Daddy knows everything and he has always treated me like his own daughter. What if he won't see like that anymore when I spend time with Gold?" She was helpless and really had no idea what to do.

She just wanted her life to be normal. With a loving mother and father, with her siblings and friends and Robin but she knew that her life could never be normal. She would always be the girl that had been locked in a house for 18 years. Always the girl that got pregnant without remembering the father. The girl who destroyed Robin's marriage. The girl who destroyed Cora's marriage. Normal just wasn't in store for her.

"That's bullshit! Dad wouldn't mind. He loves you more than anything and that will never change." Mary replied and gave her sister a resuring smile.

"Mary's right. Just go to his shop and talk to him. I can come with you if you want me to." Robin agreed and Regina seemed convinced.

She was still unsure and nervous but with Robin by her side she could face anything that life threw her way. With his help she escaped her mother's clutches and now she had a better life. She had friends and a family. Not the family that she had asked for but a much better one.

"Okay. But let's put the baby things into the nursery first."


Half an hour later they stood in front of the pawn shop but Regina didn't make a move. Robin was giving her hand a comforting sqeeze but still Regina stood frozen in place.

"It's okay. You don't need to go in if you don't want. We can try again tomorrow. " he whispered but Regina shook her head and finally made a move. She took a deep breath and let go of his hand before taking a few careful steps forward.

When she finally reached the door she looked back over to Robin who gave her a nod. She was ready she just didn't know it yet.

The brunette took another deep breath before opening the door. A little bell above the door jingled and made her jump.

A moment later Mr. Gold came into the room and smiled at his daughter. She was so beautiful and he hated Cora for hiding her so long. He could have had a relationship with his daughter. Could have seen her grow but instead he had never met her and now she had another father. A better one.

"Hi." He greeted her softly, not sure how to react.

"Hi." The brunette mumbled and looked around the shop. She spotted something that seemed familar and went to get a closer look at it. It was a small bracelet with an R hanging on it.

"You like it?" He asked carefully. He knew she couldn't remember anything but the fact that she spotted the bracelet gave him hope. The bracelet belonged to his mother and he had given it to Cora as a symbol of their engagement. She never gave it back but he knew she had given it to Regina because Robin gave it to him when he asked for his help to find Regina.

Now that he knew that she was his daughter he was happy that she had it.

"Yes. It's very pretty. And it somehow looks familar. " She replied.

The atmosephere was tense but Rumple didn't give up.

" You can have it if you want. "

"I don't want anything from you! You knew what she was doing to me and you didn't help me. You looked at me and acted as if I was a stranger. " She shouted angrily with tears in her eyes.

"I - I wanted to help you but she didn't allow it. She threatened me. Said she would hurt you if I tried anything. I love you, Regina. You are my daughter but I had no idea. If I had known I would have saved you." He cried and stepped closer and closer until he was close enough to wrap his arms around her thin body.

Regina cried into his shoulders and took in his scent. He smelled like home and for the first time in years Regina felt safe.

He stroked her very short hair and not for the first time wished he had killed Cora long ago.

"I'm sorry I freaked out. I was just so angry." The young girl sobbed.

"It's alright. It's not your fault." He kissed her head before he let go and reached for the bracelet.

"It belonged to my mother. Her name was Roselyn. You should have it. Don't see this as a apology for all these years I wasn't there but see it as a promise for the future. As long as you have this bracelet I will always be there to hold your hand. " he took her hand and put the bracelet on.

"Thank you. " she whispered and hugged him tightly. This was the start of a great future.

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