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After Destiny's newest vision Regina was sure they had to be connected in some way so she went to her father to ask him if something like that was even possible.

"You say she had those visions before?" The old man asked shocked.

"Yes but those were mainly good images. She's never felt her sister's pain before. This that a bad thing?" The young woman was concerned about her little girl. She shouldn't feel so much pain at such a young age.

"Well, they both possess strong magic and they are twins and magical twins are always connected in some way but she isn't supposed to feel like that at such a young age. Maybe it's because Cora ripped them apart and they miss eachother so much that they feel the connection deeper than others. They are products of true love after all." Rumple explained.

"And there is nothing we can do to stop it? "

"You want to take their connection away? Regina, that could bear severe consequences. If I was able to do something like that they would both fall ill because they would miss a part of their bodies. They need eachother. Besides, the visions could help with finding Hope. " he explained and Regina sighed. She really wanted to protect her child but she couldn't bear the thought of making them both sick.

"We already searched the whole forest. There is only one tower on these woods and that is one I grew up in. There was no sign of Cora or Hope." Regina was frustrated. She had little Roland to thing about too and she spend most times studying magic to defeat her mother or searching for her daughter. It was all just really hard.

"Maybe she was in that tower but when she discovered we were searching for her she moved? " he suggested and laid a hand on her shoulder. She laid her head on his shoulder, a few tears falling from her eyes. "We will find her." He resured and stroked her hair carefully.


Regina watched Destiny and Roland playing in the field when she felt Robin wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"What is troubling you, my love? " he knew even without looking at her that something wasn't right. She sighed and ran a hand through her silky dark locks.

"I just had a talk with my father about Destiny's visions. He says they could help us with finding Hope but I'm not so sure. She is so young and these visions scare her. I don't want our daughter to be scared of the bad lady like I was. I'm just glad she doesn't know that Cora is my mother. That would be too much for her. I want her to have fun like other kids. Like she does now with her little brother. "She explained and leaned into his touch. Robin wasn't sure what to say. He looked over to his kids who were now chasing eachother. Roland couldn't keep up with his sister yet but it never ceased to amaze him how strong the little boy was. He never gave up although he knew he was to slow. Robin grinned as Destiny lowered her pace so Roland was able to catch her. His dimples showing as he giggled. They had great kids but Hope was still missing and that would always stand between their happiness.

"Don't worry. Destiny is strong. She can handle much more than we think. We will find our daughter and defeat your mother. " he pecked her head softly and smiled taking in the scent of her apple shampoo.

"By defeating do you mean killing her?"

"If we have to Yes. "

"I'm not sure I can do it. I mean she is still my mother. I know she did terrible things but I can't kill her." He knew that this topic had always been hard for her. Her mother had manipulated her her whole life and for a very long time she was the only person the brunette had known and yes she was still her mother if they wanted it or not. She couldn't change the past.

"I know. When the time comes I know you will decide what you think is right and I won't judge you for it. The choice is yours." Regina turned around in his arms and kissed him softly on his lips.

"Ew" they turned around to see Henry holding hands with a girl they hadn't seen before.

"Hey, Henry. Who is your girlfriend? " She chulked as her little brother turned bright red and he looked between Regina and the girl.

"That's Gretel and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone yet. I wanted Mom and Dad to be the first to know so stop laughing please." He answered embarassed.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Gretel. But if you break his heart I will end you." She threathend but Henry knew it was just payback for what he did when Robin and her had their first date.

"Of course. I would never hurt Henry though. I really like him very much. " the blonde girl smiled her blue eyes sparkling as she looked at Henry. They were so cute together. Regina just hoped it would be a very long time until Destiny and Roland started dating. She would have to put a tight leash on her stubborn daughter. She was sure her daughter would give her grey hair way before she even turned 30 with how she was already.

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