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Fairytale Land :
Robin stood up not knowing where he was and he couldn't see anything. He was blind. He still was at the meadow leading to the tower but now he was all alone. Regina was gone. Maybe even dead for all he knew. The thief had no doubt that Cora would go as far as killing her own daughter if it meant to win. Still he had hope that Regina was alive and well somewhere where no one could find her.

Carefully he made his way forward, hoping to find his love where ever Cora had taken her. Robin didn't care if it took months or even years he just needed her to be save.

A few days later...

Leopold was outside in the forest near the castle as he spotted the young man. He looked unfocused and dehydrated so the king went over to him to help him.

"Hey, young man. What's wrong? " he asked and took the thief by the arm. Robin recognized his voice and shrunk back.

" Your majesty. I'm only a thief. You shouldn't help me." he replied ashamed.

"You are Robin Hood. But clearly you are weak and need help. Come on inside." He took his arm and led him inside the castle.

Robin was confused but he was also glad that someone cared for him.

Snow White sat in the Hall when she saw her father and Robin.

"Robin? What are you doing here? What happened?" The young woman asked and helped her father to bring the man over to the Sofa.

" You know him? How?" Her father asked and Snow just now realized that she had spilled the secret.

"Uhm well, he... is... a friend." She knew that she was a terrible liar however she still hoped her father would buy it.

" Snow there is no need to lie. Cora knows. She has done this to me and she has taken Regina. " he cried and the girl opened her mouth in shock. Leopold was even more confused now. Cora had done this? But why? And who was Regina? What was going on?

"Who is Regina?"

"Cora's daughter. I followed Cora one day because I felt like she was hiding something and I found out that she lied to us. Her daughter is not dead, father. Regina is alive and we need to find her. Who knows what Cora has done to her." Robin nodded. The king was shocked and hurt at the same time but he too agreed. They needed to find that girl before it was too late.

"Okay. Cora will be back any minute. Snow bring Robin to your room and hide there until I call for you. I will confront Cora." Snow nodded and took Robin's arm.

Just a few minutes later his wife appeard.

"Cora, we need to talk." He said directly and Cora nodded not knowing what was going on. "I know that you have lied to me. Your daughter is alive and you hid her all this time. Why?"

"That's nonsence! Why would I ever lie to you, my dear?" She tried but then he called for Snow and Robin. Cora was shocked to see the thief again.

"What is he doing here? He has stolen from me and needs to be locked away! "She shrieked as she saw him but Leopold shoke his head.

"No Cora. You need to be locked away! You lied to me and hurt so many people without reason. I banish you to your old estate where you shall live in solitute and never step foot on my kingdom again." Guards came and took the queen by the arms. She tried to use magic but for some reason she couldn't.

" You will never find her." She growled but Leopold did not care.


Days later they still had not found Regina so they asked the fairies for help. Robin rode through the forest with Leopold and some of the guards and finally they reached the edge of the Never ending Forest.

"Regina! " Robin screamed countless times but there was no reply.

They rode further and further until night came and they decided to set camp.

After a week they still had not found her until one day they reached another camp. The fire was still on but there was no sign of anyone.

" Regina! " he screamed again.

Regina heard her name being screamed but she knew that she was making it up. The lack of water and food had made her weak and now she was imagining things.

"Regina! " again there was Robin's voice but it was getting nearer. Suddenly she realized that this time it was really her love.

"Robin!" She called back. Robin screamed again and she followed the voice until she had reached them.

"Robin!" She cried and ran into his arms not caring for the others around them. The thief wrapped his arms tightly around her and felt her tears on his face.

" Oh Robin, what has she done to you?" She inspected his face and looked into his dark unfocused eyes. He wasn't looking at her. He was blind.

"I can't see you my love but I will never forget your face." He kissed her and her tears got even stronger. One of her tears landed in his eyes and he could see her once again. " I can see you! I can see you! "

"I love you!" She shrieked but then she noticed his gaze landing on her shaved head and she lowered her head in shame.

" I love you too! I don't care that your hair is gone. It will grow back. " he smiled and touched her head. As he touched her head the stubs suddenly grew.

It grew until it reached her knees and Regina was unbelievably happy. She had Robin back and nothing could break them apart.

"Let me introduce you to someone. Regina, this is King Leopold, your stepfather. " the brunette bowed but Leopold stopped her.

" There is no need to bow, my child. We are family after all. Your mother will never hurt you again. You are save." He smiled and hugged the younggirl tightly.

Suddenly there was a thunder rumbling and they all looked up to see the cloud of purple smoke that invaded the forest. Regina ran over to Robin and hugged him. But they would still be seperated.

Cora had her revenge and her daughter would never see her thief again.

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