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Storybrooke :

For a days everything seemed fine. Henry and Regina where save and happy with Emma and their big sister and Leopold rented a small room at Granny's.

Now Regina sat with Emma at the station reading a book while Emma did some paper work. " I didn't escape Mother just to sit around. Isn't there anything I can do?" She sighed dramaticly and sat the book down.

The blonde chulked at that. "I know how boring it is but Mary doesn't want you to be alone as long as Cora is still running around. But tell you what, you can go and get us something to eat from Granny's if you want. I won't tell Mary. Just be back in an hour." She smiled and handed the young woman some money.

Regina nodded happily and quickly grabbed her jacket before mouthing 'Thank you' and then ran out of the station. She hated being trapped behind walls, especially now that she was out of her mother's clutches.

She skipped down Main Street, not paying attention where she was going. Suddenly she collided with someone and fell on her knees her hands stopping her from falling completely. Strong arms helped her up. As she looked at the man she had run in with she was confused. It was an elderly man, maybe a bit older than her mother but she couldn't tell for sure. What caught her attention was the cane he was using to walk.

" I. ..I'm sorry! I didn't pay attention." The brunette stammered but he only smirked at that. Something about his eyes made her nervous. It was like she had seen those eyes before.

"No worries, deary. I didn't pay attention either. It's such a wonderful day. May I ask who you are? I don't recall seeing you before." He spoke in a strong scottish accent and smiled warmly at her.

"I'm Regina, one of the mayor's kids." She replied softly and he just nodded before making his way down the street. Regina was confused. Had she said something wrong?

Mr. Gold couldn't believe what had just happened. He had met his daughter. His beautiful baby girl. There was no doubt. She looked so much like Cora but her eyes were his.


Regina walked to the diner still confused about the strange man. Something about him just terrified her somehow.

As she entered the diner she noticed Robin sitting at the bar and sat next to him. " Hey" She whispered and took his hand.

"What are you doing here? I thought your Mom locked you away." He exclaimed happily and gave her a bone crushing hug. Everyone stared at them and Regina wasn't sure if it was because of her baldness or because Robin was still married.

"Mary got me and Henry out. We are living with Emma and Mary now." She smiled and kissed him passionately.

"Oh that's great! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was preoccupied. Sorry! But I can make it up to you. We could have a date some time this week? Mary is still not sure if it's with Mother still walking around but I'm free now and I want to meet you officially when ever I want and in public! We don't have to sneak around anymore." He nodded happily and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Granny smiled at the pair before asking Regina what she wanted to order.

" Hm, the sheriff wants grilled cheese with curly fries and a black coffee. And I'll have a chicken burger and a hot chocolate with cinnamon please." The old woman nodded before disappearing into the kitchen.

" So what do you suggest? Friday at 6? And how are things with Marion?" She suddenly asked and he almost choked on his drink.

" Uhm, we are officially divorced. And about Friday I'll surprise you." He took her hand and smiled lovingly. Unbeknowst to them Sidney Glass had been watching the whole scene unfold and took some pictures for his boss. He was sure the mayor wouldn't be pleased to see her daughter with Robin.


When her order was ready Regina paid Granny and kissed Robin goodbye. Just as she entered the station another elderly man was exiting the building.

"Oh good you are back. I'm dying for a coffee. " Emma exclaimed and took the bag of food to the table where she sat next to Regina.

"Who was that man?" The younger girl asked softly and looked up from her burger.

"Uhm, that was the DA Albert Spencer. Aparently your mother wants to take your dad, MM and me to court for taking you and Henry into our care. Don't worry about it we will win this time. She won't take you again." She resured and gave Regina's hand a comforting sqeeze.

"I have another question. I ran into a man today. He had a cane and shoulder lenght hair and he stared at me in a strange way. He asked for my name and when I told him he left without another word. He also had a strong scottish accent. " the bald girl explained while eating her food. Emma sighed. She knew that it was Gold and that he probably knew that she was his daughter but she didn't know if she should tell Regina the truth yet.

" That was Mr. Gold. He owns the pawn shop and most appartements in Storybrooke. He is also your mom's lawyer." The blonde replied. She knew it was not her place to tell her.

The day went on pretty boring but Emma noticed that Regina was bouncing with excitement the whole time. " Did you meet anyone else or why are you so happy suddenly? " She laughed and Regina looked shocked that she had been caught so easily.

"I met Robin in the diner and we have a date on Friday." She exclaimed smiling happily. Emma had never seen her this happy the whole time she had been in town but she was glad that she was happy now.

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