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Five years later...

"Nana?" Rapunzel asked as she made her way down the long staircase from her bedroom to the main room of the tower. The room was very plain and gray and the little girl didn't like that at all.

"Rapunzel, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't like it if you call me Nana. Call me grandmother like a good girl should." The old woman scolded her and Rapunzel lowered her head in shame.

"I'm sorry, grandmother. I wants to decorate the tower. It so boring. " the blonde explained and Cora seemed to think about it. She hadn't allowed Regina to decorate her room but her granddaughter was another story. She was so cute and sometimes even Cora couldn't say no to her.

"Fine. What colour do you want?" She asked softly and the toddler grinned happily.

"Purple, please." She smiled as she watched her grandmother wave her hands and the room changed from grey to purple like she had asked.

"Are you happy now? " Cora asked not really happy with the bright colour however she needed Rapunzel to be happy so that she could use her magic when the girl would turn 18.

"Yes, grandmother. Can you tell me about Mommy again?" Rapunzel asked curious and gave the old woman the puppy dog eyes Cora couldn't say no to. Her eyes were so much like Regina's and sometimes she felt guilty for stealing the child but power was more important than love. Love was weakness after all.

"Maybe later. Right now we need to brush your hair." Her blonde hair was already down to her hip and she loved it dearly. Another thing that reminded Cora of her daughter. The toddler still had trouble with taking care of her hair but that was to be expected since she was only five years old.

Rapunzel nodded and sat on a little stool at the fire place while Cora seated herself in the big arm chair behind Rapunzel. She had made this place a home for her and Rapunzel but she didn't need to anymore as soon as her granddaughter was old enough and she could finally take the throne as the Queen of Hearts here in Wonderland.


Meanwhile in the Enchanted Forest :

Destiny was bored in her room in the palace and felt the sudden urge to change her room. She took her colour pencils and began to draw on the wall. Her young mind went to a place far away where a tower stood in a dark forest and she saw a little girl who looked just like her but blonde. Her head span once the vision ended. She had never felt something like that before and it scared her.

"Destiny? What are you doing, sweetheart? " Regina asked as she saw the walls and what her daughter had drawn. It was a tower like the one she grew up in but the girl in it had blonde hair.

"I wanted to make the room pretty. You mad?" She asked unsure and lowered her head in shame.
Regina's stern look softened as she saw her little girl and shook her head.

"Why would I ever be mad at you? You didn't do anything wrong sweety. Can you show me what you drew? " She kneeled in front of her daughter and the toddler grinned.

"I don't know. I saw the tower and the girl in my head. Is that normal? " She was confused just as much as Regina was.

"You saw this in your head? Hm maybe we should ask your grandpa Rumple about it later?! Who do you think this girl is?"

"It's Hope. " Regina was shocked. She had no idea how Destiny could know about her twin sister. They all had agreed to wait until she was older to tell her.

"How do you know that? " Regina asked with tears in her eyes.

"I heard you and daddy fighting about her. I sorry I make you sad,mommy. " she whispered crying.

"No. It's okay, little one. I'm not sad. I'm very happy to have a smart and beautiful little girl like you. I love you and I promise that will never change. I will find your sister but for now it's just us, baby. " she hugged her daughter tightly and stroked her dark hair. She really hated her mother for doing this to her but she had to stay strong for her daughter.

"I love you, mommy." Destiny sobbed and hid her head in the crook of her mother's neck. Robin stepped into the room and joined his girls on the floor as he saw the drawing. So his daughter was locked in a tower just like his fiancé. Maybe that was the clue they needed to find her.

He had started losing hope over the years but Regina never gave up. That had led to a lot of fighting between them but they would survive that too. Their love could survive anything that life or Cora threw their way. They just had to stay strong.

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