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That evening the Mills-Blachard Family held a family dinner after Leopold had cooled down. Mary Magaret had picked up her little brother from one of his therapy sessions and they both went to the big mansion together.

Now they all sat at the large dinner table except Regina.

"Where is Gina?" Henry asked looking around the room for his sister. His father exchanged glances with Cora before standing up.

"I'll get her." the old man added and went up to the young girl's room.

The teenager still laid on her bed and cried. Leopold felt bad for his daughter and took in his arms.

"Shh, it's going to be alright. Come down for dinner. MM is joining us." he whisphered as a try to cheer her up and she slowly nodded.

"Okay, daddy."

They walked down the long white staircase, holding hands and still Regina couldn't stop her tears from falling.

Crying is weakness! She heard her mother's voice in her head. You are weak!

As they entered the dining hall she could here both her siblings casp and wiped her eyes quickly.

"Gina! What happened?" Henry was the first to speak out what they were all thinking.

"I shaved her head as punishment, Henry. She deserved it." Cora smirked and Leopold shot her a disapproving look as Regina sat down on her usual seat between her parents.

She felt her mother running her hands over her bald head and wished not for the first time to be part of another family. A family with a mother that loved her.

With shaking hands the former brunette took her fork and knife and cut through her piece of roast beef. Regina wasn't hungry at all but she tried to eat because she knew her mother would be angry otherwise.

"What did you punish her for? She didn't do anything wrong!" the ten year old piped up and glared at his adopted mother.

"She was leaving the house without my permission and got involved with a married man. I don't expect you to understand,Henry. You are far too young." Cora said in clipped tone and sqeezed Regina's forearm under the table to make it clear that she wasn't allowed to talk back. Henry wasn't convinced though.

"Robin isn't married! You did that to keep him and Regina apart! They are soulmates and they will win. The Evil Queen will lose." the young boy shouted and Cora's face turned an unusual shade of red. She was furious but still kept calm.

"Oh, I think I have to fire Dr. Hopper. Clearly he is not doing his job right." she told Leopold before turning back to her son. "Henry, fairytales aren't real! I'm not evil I just want what's best for everyone."

"No! You cursed everyone just to keep Regina to yourself! You killed her father and told everyone she was dead!" he screamed and Cora slapped him across the face.

Never once in his young life had his mother raised a hand against him. Regina had always been her punching back. His dark eyes filled with tears as he stood up from the table and ran to his room.

"I hate you!" he shouted before slamming the door shut.

"Cora! What has gotten into you? First our daughter and now Henry?" Leopold spoke up after a few moments of heavy silence.

"He deserved it! He has to understand that he can't talk to me like that without a punishment. And she is not 'ours'! She is MINE!!!" the old woman screamed and Regina and Mary Magaret gasped at the same time.

"What do you mean I'm not 'his'?" Regina asked and immediatly Cora realized her mistake. She had been caught. She didn't pay enough attention because she was too angry to think clearly.

"Nothing, sweety. Go to bed, you look exhausted. MM can stay the night if you want."Leopold saved his wife and Regina just nodded. The girl knew there was no room for argumention now.

However, the teenager wasn't stupid. She could read between the lines. Her daddy wasn't her real father. Henry had been right about at least one thing.

Up in her room she laid on her bed and cried her heart out in her sister's arms. Her whole life was a lie. The man she trusted the most wasn't related to her. Her whole world was breaking down around her.

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