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"Rapunzel, come here!" Cora called the young girl over to her, holding a hair brush in her hand.

"Yes, Grandmother? " She asked unsure. Was she going to receive another punishment? What was wrong this time?

"Sit, please!" The old woman ordered and gestured to the chair in front of her.

"Why?" Her big brown eyes stared at the woman with curiousity. She knew not to trust Cora blind and often asked questions to make sure she wasn't in trouble.

"Now that I'm not staying with you anymore I can't use magic all the time to get up here. So I decided to grow out your hair just like I did with your mother. This way you can let your hair down for me when I call for it and I can climb up to you. Now sit." She explained and Rapunzel looked at her already very long hair. It was down to her button and she really liked it. She liked the idea of it getting even longer but she wasn't so sure about pulling her grandmother up.

"Wouldn't it hurt if you climbed my hair?" She questioned unsure as she sat down in the chair and Cora started brushing her hair.

"It won't. The potion I will pure into your hair will numb the pain." She resured and put the light blue glowing potion into the young girl's hair and smiled as it grew longer and longer with every second. "You look great my dear." She whispered and kissed her head. Rapunzel wasn't sure why her grandmother was suddenly so nice to her but she liked it.

"Thank you! "she grinned and looked into the mirror. "Do I look like mommy?" Cora's expression darkend at the mention of her daughter and Rapunzel knew she was again in trouble.

"You know not to ask questions about her!" She growled and the little shrunk back in fear.

"I'm sorry. " She cried.

"Enough! Let your hair down for me and stop your crying! " She shouted angrily and the young girl did as she was told. She let the hair out the window and Cora pulled on it really hard making the girl wince. Her grandmother had lied. It did hurt.

The little laid in her bed and cried herself to sleep. She dreamed of her mother again. The brunette was holding her in her arms while her daddy held her sister. Her mother was singing softly but then suddenly her grandmother appeared and grabbed her out of her mother's arms. She screamed for her mommy but suddenly everything went black.

Rapunzel awoke with sweat on her forehead and inhaled sharply. Was everything a lie? Had her grandmother kidnapped her? But why?

She didn't understand. She couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. Images flooded in her head of her sister,who was eight as well, and a little boy, her little brother, chasing after her. They were alive. Just like her parents. Her grandmother had lied to her the whole time.


Eight years later

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Eight years later. ..

William had been riding through the forest of Wonderland for hours now. As a portal jumper, like his cusin Jefferson, he had often traveled through different realms but he had never been to Wonderland before. As he rode through the thick, dark wood he suddenly heard someone singing so he stopped his horse to listen.

The song was sad but still beautiful and the young Prince wanted to know where it was coming from.

He came upon a high tower and at the window stood the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

He heard rustling and quickly hid behind a tree. The rustling got louder and suddenly none other than the Queen of Hearts came out. He had heard stories of the woman who ripped out hearts for fun.

"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" She ordered and the young girl obeyed. Was she her daughter? But if she was why would she hide her here in the forest? It didn't make sense to him.

He mounted his horse again but he would return tomorrow. For now he had to go back to the Enchanted Forest.


Destiny rode through the forest on her white steed

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Destiny rode through the forest on her white steed. She had decided to search for her sister on her own although her mother had told her not to do it. She just wanted sister back and she was fed up with sitting around doing nothing. The young girl wasn't a typical princess, everyone knew that. For Regina it was hard to accept though. She wanted to protect her daughter. She was afraid she would lose her too. But Destiny was stronger than that.

Suddenly she heard another horse and then saw a boy probably a year older than her riding into her direction.

Her horse got scared and through her off.

"Hey!" She shouted and the boy climbed from his horse. He helped her up.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare your horse. I just wanted to get home quickly. " he admitted but Destiny crossed her arms over chest and glared daggers at him. "I'm William " he stretched out his hand but the brunette didn't take it.

"Destiny " She answered half-heartly.


William had offered to take her home since her horse ran off and she agreed.

Regina was waiting at the stables for her daughter to get back. She had been worried when Destiny's horse came home without her. Suddenly her daughter entered the stables on a strange horse with a man. Her dress was ruined as was her hair.

"Destiny! What happened? I was so worried. " She said softly as she took her daughter in her arms.

"Chill, Mom. I'm fine. Thanks to him my horse threw me off." She glared at the blonde boy and Regina looked him up and down.

"Who are you? "

"My name is William. I'm Cinderella ' s son." He explained and Regina nodded. She remembered the deal her father had made with Cinderella and was glad he broke it off.

"Well, Thank you for bringing my daughter home. You are welcome to stay the night since it's already late." She explained and he nodded but he would go the next day to see Rapunzel again. He just needed to meet her in person.


For the purpose of this story Cinderella and Thomas had a son. And Thomas and Jefferson are related. Hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think!

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