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After her talk with Mary Magaret, Emma found herself in front of the mayoral mansion. She wasn't sure what to expect or if Cora was home. If the mayor was in fact home there wasn't a chance she would Emma see Regina. Sighing she pushed the doorbell and waited a few moments before Leopold opened the door.

"Hello, Sheriff. To what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked, smiling warmly at the blonde.

"Well, there has been a report of abuse in your home. I'd like to talk to Regina about your wife. Mary asked me to come here. She was the one making the report. I'd like to talk to you as well if that's possible." she explained sighing. He nodded and led her into the house.

"I'm glad that you're here. I could never report my wife but I'm happy my daughter did. Regina is in her room upstairs. Do you want me to be there while you talk to her?" the old man asked kindly. Emma really couldn't understand how such a kind man could be married to someone like Cora.

"No I would prefer to talk to your daughter alone. Some kids act differently in the presence of their parents so it's best to talk alone." she explained as they reached the door to Regina's chamber.

Leopold slowly opened the door to reveal a big bedroom made for a princess. The walls were painted a light lavender color with white furniture to match. There was a vanity table with a round mirror on top and in the corner stood a queen sized bed with white curtains hanging from the top to shield its owner from the light.

Through the curtains she could make out Regina laying on the bed caught up in a daydream or so. "Regina?" she asked softly and the younger girl jumped at the sudden interuption.

"Oh hello, Emma. Are you here for a certain reason or did something happen with Henry?" the young girl asked curiously and looked concerned over to her father.

"I'll leave you two alone to talk." he just said before he left the chamber.

Emma sat down on the bed next to the brunette.

"I'm not here for Henry. Well not mainly. Mary told me about the things that your mom does to you. I'm here to confirm the report of abuse." she said slowly and Regina swallowed, her mouth went dry and she was unable to speak for a moment. Should she really tell Emma? Could she trust the blonde?

"My mother does it only to show me right from wrong. She only wants what's best for me." the young girl mumbled but the sheriff was certainly not convinced. This was the answer abusive parents would want to hear from their children. Emma knew all too well where that came from. She had been in that situation more often than not and so she knew that Regina was holding things back. She could see it in her eyes and in her body language.

"Are you sure? Did Henry ever tell you about my super power?" the blonde asked and Regina just shook her head timidly. "Well, I always know when someone is lying or holding things back. You can tell me everything and I can make sure that your mother won't hurt you anymore. She could go to prison for what she's done." Emma tried again and this time it seemed to work. Tears gathered in Regina's big brown eyes and she turned around and uncovered her back to reveal her scars. Her back was full of them. Small white ones that had faided over the years and big ones, bright red and still fresh. The sight had Emma fuming. She has had her fair share of that scars in foster care as well. She knew exactly how it felt.

"Oh, Regina. That's terrible. She can't do that to you. It's wrong." she told the younger woman and pulled her shirt back down. Regina turned around and Emma could see that she had started to cry. "Shh, it's okay. I'll make sure that she can't do it again. You are safe." the blonde whispered and rubbed small circles over Regina's back.

"Really?" the bald girl asked through her tears and felt Emma nod.

"Really." she whispered and smiled at the girl.

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