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After lunch Regina and Robin went into town to get baby things. There was only one shop in Storybrooke that sold baby clothes and cribs and toys so they could only choose between purple and pink for girls.

" What do you think, Robin? Purple or pink for the walls? Or Green? Green is a colour for girls too." Regina asked as she inspected the paint they had in store.

" I like purple and green. How about we take both colours? Like we could paint the walls purple with a green stripe. " her boyfriend suggested and took two canes of paint.

"Yeah that sounds great. So now the crib. A big one for them both or a smaller one for each of them?" Regina was really nervous. She had no idea what to do but luckily for her she wasn't alone in this.

"I think a larger one for both would be better. It's cheaper and we don't have the space for two cribs. Besides we shouldn't seperate them so early. " he was right of course. The babies should keep their strong bond and should always be there for each other.

"Yeah, you are right. If it is too much money for you I could always get a job, Robin. I don't want you to pay everything on your own." he shook his head and took her hand.

"It's okay. You are pregnant. You shouldn't work just now. So now clothes. How do you know the size if they aren't born yet?"

"I seriously don't know but twins are usually smaller than other babies so I think we should take the smallest size." Robin nodded and they chose a few very cute outfits.

Two little onesie's with little horses on them and hats with fluffy ears were the ones Regina liked best. Ever since she moved out of the mansion she had taken a liking to horses. Especially riding them. There was a chestnut mare called Rocinate that she liked very much. He was so trustworthy and seemed to understand her.

Meanwhile at MM'S appartement :

Cora really didn't know what got into her when she decided to visit her children. She didn't have her heart so she couldn't really miss them but still she made her way over to the appartement building and rang the doorbell.

Maybe if she had contact with Regina again and played nice she would be able to take her home again and get rid of the babies. Everything would be normal again. Just the two of them as it should have always been.

So if Emma really broke the curse she could have daughter on her side and as long as Regina stayed with her she would stay alive. Regina would never let an angry mob take her mother away to kill her.

For a moment she hoped it would be Henry or Regina who opened the door but that wasn't the case. It was Emma. The blonde looked confused but also a bit angry.

" What the hell are you doing here? You can't just drop by unanounced." Emma was quite rude but that didn't surprise the mayor. The so called Saviour never really had an eduaction for manners it seemed.

"I'm here to visit my children. That's not a crime. The judge said I could see them whenever I pleased as long as there is an adult watching us. So may I come in Ms. Swan? " She spoke with the composer of a queen and swallowed her pride just for once. She needed to play nice if she ever wanted to see her daughter again.

" Of course. Want some coffee? Regina is shopping with Robin for the twins but they should be back soon."the blonde explained and showed Cora to the bar.

" Yes, a coffee seems like a great idea. And where are Mary and Henry?" The mayor asked as Emma poured them both a cup of coffee.

"Henry is out with some friends and Mary is at the animal shelter with David." She answered quickly and sat down next to her boss. They sat in silence for a long time until Cora finally spoke up.

"So Henry has friends now? That's great. We always thought he was kind of a loner because he never had friends. Leopold thought they would bully him because he was adopted. I thought he was just shy like Regina. And then he started with those fairytale fantasies and he started pushing everyone away." For the first time Emma noticed something like regret in the mayor's eyes. All this time Cora never seemed to care much for her son and Emma had wondered why she had adopted him in the first place. But now she noticed that she really cared for him too.

" Yeah he seems a lot happier now. Sorry."

"Don't worry. I know I wasn't the best mother but I didn't really have a role model to show me. My mother died when I was 8 years old and my father was not much of a father. After her death he started drinking his pain away at the bar and I had to grow up on my own. I really tried to be good for Regina because I didn't want kids but my former husband did. And when my husband died I didn't know what to do and pushed her away instead of caring for her. I didn't know how to care for a baby but Leo did. We were friends but after his wife and my husband were both dead we just fell for eachother. " She explained and Emma was speechless for a moment. She had never seen the mayor like this. So open and vunerable.

Suddenly the door opened and Robin and Regina stepped into the appartement with tons of bags full of clothes and toys.

" Hey. Mother, what are you doing here? " She asked shocked and took a few steps back.

" I just wanted to see you. How was shopping? Did you get everything you wanted?" The mayor answered and Regina relaxed a bit. Maybe her mother could change after all.

"Oh yes, we got everything. I think I went a little over board with the clothes. " She laughed and Cora nodded with a small smile.

"Oh yeah a little." Robin laughed sarcasticly and Regina slapped him playfully on the arm.

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