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It was Wednesday and Regina had to go to the hospital for an ultrasound. Cora canceled all her meetings for that day so that she could make sure her daughter didn't do anything stupid while out of the mansion. The waiting bored Regina to no end and the book she was reading didn't make it any better. She had read that book so often that she had memorized it by heart.

However her mother had decided not to get her any new books since the brunette only ever needed one day to finish the books.

"Excuse me, sweetheart. I have to go the restroom for a bit." Cora said and Regina just nodded, not really paying attention to anything her mother told her.

A few seconds later she felt someone poke her arm and the young girl looked up to see Robin. He smiled and sat down next to her.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" he asked refering to the fact that it was the pediatry where she was waiting.

Her big brown eyes widened at the question. This was not how she planned to tell him at all.

"Well, I could ask you the same."

"My wife works here. She is a nurse." he explained and she nodded at the realization. Of course he was visiting his wife and not her. A little disappointed Regina closed the book and looked him fully in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant. I'm here for an ultrasound. My mother is just using the restroom but she should be back any minute." now Robin seemed disappointed. She was pregnant. She had a relationship.

The younger girl sensed his burning questions and his disappointment and quickly tried to explain. "It's not like that. I don't have a boyfriend. I really don't know how it happened. I can't remember anything." she stated but he didn't look any better.

"Oh, I understand." Oh,no! He must think she was a slut or something if she couldn't remember the father.

"It's not like that. I-I... I just ...I don't know how it happened. I don't remember being out of the house and having you know." the petite brunette stammered and he suddenly seemed to understand.

"So, maybe someone drugged you and raped you?!" he was suddenly concerned but at the same time angry at the man who had done this to her.

"Maybe. But it doesn't really matter. You have to go to your wife now. I'm sure she is waiting for you. And Mother could be back any moment now." he nodded and waved her goodbye.

She smiled but only seconds later Cora returned from the restroom. And it was finally their turn for the ultrasound. Cora really didn't want to be there but it was her daughter so she had to be there since Regina didn't remember who impregnant her.

It went really well until Dr. Whale discovered something new. There were two heartbeats. She was having twins. Her mother was very angry and couldn't wait to be home to scream at her daughter.

"How could you be so careless! Twins?! For god's sake Regina how can you be so dumb! I clearly raised you better than that." she screamed and hit her young daughter across the face as soon as they were home.

"Ahh" Regina cried out in pain and clutched her burning cheek with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Mama." she wimpered quietly.

"Damn right you are! Now go to your room and don't come down until you are told to." the old woman pointed to the stairs and gave the brunette a stern glare.

It only took a few seconds for Regina to run to her room and throwing herself on her big queen sized bed. Twins. She was really going to have twins. This wasn't how she planned her life to go.

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