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Storybrooke :
A few days later Regina had packed all her things and was ready to move in with Robin. He was living in the same house as Mary so she didn't have to move far and was still able to be near her family. Henry was still living with Emma since Leopold still needed to find a flat. The decision of the court was hard to get used to. Gold tried to have contact with Regina but the young girl still wasn't sure she wanted him in her life. She needed to focus on the babies and finding a job.

Ever since she found out about her real father she didn't want anything to do with him. At first she was curious who he could be but now that she knew she didn't care. He had helped her mother over and over again and let her hurt her. So in Regina's eyes he was bad. He had looked her in the eyes and lied. Everyone lied to her. Even her beloved sister had lied. The only people who she trusted now were Robin and Henry.

"You alright?" Robin asked as they painted the nursery for the babies. They had decided on a light purple ever since they found out they were having two little girls.

"Yes. I was just thinking about Gold and my mother. I mean they hate eachother. So how is it possible that he is my father? That just seems gross to me. And I'm afraid that I'm going to end up like her. What if I hurt our babies?" She began to cry and Robin wrapped his arms around her in a tight, comforting hug.

" You could never end up like her. You could never hurt the babies like this, Regina. You are too kind and loving. She is evil and needs to be locked away and not the other way around. Come on now, your sister is waiting with lunch and then we need to go shopping for the little ones. " he caressed her belly lovingly and she kissed him softly on the cheek.

" You are right. I'm thinking too much." She whispered and turned around to look into the mirror checking her outfit.

" You look awesome. Don't worry about it so much. It's just a casual lunch with your siblings and Emma. No one will look at what you're wearing." He laughed and took her hand. "Let's go."

They went upstairs to Mary's appartement where Henry already awaited them.

" Hi, Gina! Hi, Robin!" he greeted and wrapped his arms as tightly as he could around Regina's rounded belly. His sister returned the hug just as tightly and ruffled his soft hair.

" Hello, Henry. How are you doing? It's so strange not to live in a flat with you and dad." The brunette added while taking a seat at the table. Mary was in the kitchen adding the finishing touches to the chicken.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Regina was really confused. Who could that be?

" Are we awaiting someone, MM? Emma is here, we are here so who is it?" The younger girl asked sounding really excited.

"That must be David." Mary smiled as she went to open the door. Indeed it was David Nolan.

Regina had never really met him but she knew that he was in a coma for a long time and when he woke up he started working at the animal shelter with Robin. She also knew that her sister had hit it off badly with that guy. So she wasn't surprised when Mary introduced him as her boyfriend.

" And you must be Regina. Robin and MM have told me a lot about you. " he shot her a warm smile and shook her hand.

"The same goes for you. Robin says you have quite the touch for animals." She smiled and it felt really good for her to meet new people and make normal conversations. With her mother every word she spoke had to be chosen wisely and there wasn't a lot of fun topics. Mostly politics.

They ate in silence for a while until Mary spoke up. "How did your last ultrasound go, Regina? Everything going okay? And did you get to find out the gender? "

Regina looked to Robin and smirked at him before looking at her sister. "Everything is going as it should be. And we are having two girls. "

"Oh that's great! I'm probably going to spoil them rotten you know?!" Mary giggled.

"Sure, you are their aunty after all." She rubbed over her belly lovingly and felt a small kick. "They are surely going to be great soccer player once they are older."

"And did you talk to Mr. Gold already?" Mary already sensed what the answer would be but she hoped her sister had changed her opinion on this topic. He was her father and should get his chance too.

"No! I'm not sure it's a good idea. I already have a great dad and don't need another one who doesn't know anything about me. " the brunette answered stubbornly and that was that. She clearly didn't want to talk about that topic. Sometimes she could be as hard headed as her mother.

"He's trying, Regina. Give him a chance. " Henry spoke up suddenly. He really wanted everyone to be happy and civil with eachother.

" How do you know that?"

"He asked me about you. He really wants to have contact with you." The little boy said.

Regina was torn between the father she had known her whole life and the scary man who helped her mother over and over again. This situation was so messed up already and Henry really shouldn't worry about her. He had his own problems to worry about.

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