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Regina was rushed into a hospital bed and as Robin wanted to get to her he was stopped by a nurse.

"You can't be in here, boy." She said but Robin fought against her.

"I'm am the father. I have every right to be in there with my fiancé." He shouted and the nurse finally let him in.

He rushed to Regina's side and held her hand as she doubled over in pain. "Shh, I'm here. It's going to be okay. I already called your dads and they will be here any moment as will Snow, Emma, David and Henry. Don't worry. " he pushed some of her hair behind her ear and as he did her hair suddenly grew longer. It grew to her knees making her look softer and beautiful.

"Zelena! I need Zelena here. She is my midwife and my sister. Call her!" She shrieked and Robin did as he was asked.

In that moment Snow and Leopold came into the room. "Regina! Are you okay? " Snow asked as she sat on the bed and pulled her sister close.

"Do I look okay? I'm in fucking labour, Snow." The brunette snapped. Her temper coming through.

Suddenly there was a cloud of purple smoke and Cora appeared. The witch smirked at everyone in the room and the girls shrunk back in fear.

"Hello, Regina. It seems I came just in time. "She greeted and before they could figure out what she meant she disappeared as did Regina.

"No! Regina! Not again. We need to find her before it's too late." Robin screamed just as Zelena and Rumple walked into the hospital room.

"What happened? Where is Regina? " The old man asked and looked around the room to see Snow crying and Robin being sad and angry at the same time.

"Cora took her."


As they reappeared Regina saw that they weren't at home like expected. She looked around the strange suroundings and then at her mother.

"I think it's time to push soon, dear." She smiled but Regina knew not to trust that smile. It was as false as her mother's love for her. She wouldn't push. Not as long as Cora had her.

"Why? You never cared for them. You wanted me to kill them. So why do you care now?" Regina cried and Cora sat beside her, stroking her hair like she used to do when Regina was still a child.

"Your children broke the curse. They are very powerful. Even more powerful than you and your father combined. You are the daughter of the Dark One did you seriously think I locked you away to protect you? No I needed to hide you for your power. Henry, my husband he couldn't know about your power or else he would have killed me for betraying him with another man. But when I cut your hair the power was weakend that's why you are just feeling it now. Everyone has a weakness and your hair is yours. Without it you are powerless. And it gave me enough power to cast the curse. What I didn't know at the time was that you were pregnant and therefore had the power to break my curse. I need your children to be the most powerful in all the realms. They are products of true love and the children of someone very light and honourable like Robin and someone very dark like the daughter of the Dark One. " the older brunette explained and Regina was disgusted to know that her mother was willing to steal her children just to get more power.

"You will never have them. I won't push until Zelena and Robin get here." Regina shouted and Cora slapped her hard in the face then she got a syringe and put her into her daughter's arm. A few moments later Regina lost her consciousness and Cora smirked as she got a knife and cut open her daughter's belly.


They had split up into groups and were now searching for Regina all over town. Robin, Zelena and Rumple stepped into the farm house as that was the place the magic had led them to.

"She is here I can feel it." Robin mumbled and went into the next room. There she was lying on the bed, blood everywhere and then he saw Cora holding his daughters in her arms. Rumple and Zelena rushed to side and took the babies from her.

"You will regret this!" Cora screamed as she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Robin ran to Regina and pulled her into his arms. She was very cold but still breathing slowly.

"We need to get her out of here. She is dying!" He screamed and Rumple transported them all to his shop.

"Robin, calm down. Go call the others. Zelena and I will help her and the babies. I won't let her die." The Dark One ordered and Robin did as he was told while he looked through his potions to see if there was anything he could use to save his child.

He had failed her once. He couldn't let it happen again. He needed her just like he needed Bae.

Zelena tended to the babies who were actually in quite good shape. Just a little shaken from being transported by magic for the first time. She just hoped her sister would be fine too. She had lost a lot of blood. The red head was boiling inside because of what her mother had done.

"Zelena " she heard her sister mumble and smiled relieved. Rumple had done it.

"I'm here, Regina. You should sleep now. You lost a lot of blood. " she held her sister's hand and kissed her head.

"The babies?"

"They are fine. Just rest for now and they will be waiting for you when you wake up." She resured and Regina closed her eyes again.

Robin came into the room and took his daughters in his arms. They looked just like Regina. One of them had a tuft of brown hair on her head and brown eyes. The slightly smaller twin had his dirty blonde hair and her mother's brown eyes. They were perfect.


Hours later Regina woke up, still weak from being sedated and cut open by her own mother. But happy to finally hold her children.

Robin handed her the blonde twin while he held the other one.

"What are we going to name them?" He asked as he watched his love nursing the baby.

"I don't know. I wanted to name one of them Rapunzel as a tribute to our story and the other after my grandmother Roselyn. However I don't think those names do them justice. They went through so much in the last few hours and they never gave up. They are strong just like Cora said. They should have strong names." Regina explained and Robin nodded before kissing her head.

"How about Hope and Destiny?"

"Oh Robin, those are wonderful names. This little one will be Hope Rapunzel Mills. And her sister will be Destiny Roselyn Mills." She said and took both babies into her arms. The little blonde twin now had the name Hope Rapunzel and she would do this name justice her parents just didn't know it yet.


Late that night however there happiness was destroyed by none other than Cora. She took one of the babies in her arms and the baby began to scream at the top of her lungs. Regina and Robin woke up and stopped Cora just in time before she could take the other baby. But their little Hope was gone. The witch had vanished and with her their child.


Enchanted Forest :

"Hope Rapunzel won't do. I was never a fan of giving children two names. You shall be Rapunzel from now on and I will raise you just like Regina. I hope you will be more obedient though." The old woman smirked and vanished again. She reappeared in a tower just like the one she had locked Regina in but much better hidden.

I know there was a lot of drama today and I hope you won't kill me for that. There will be more drama in the next chapters but there will be a happy end. You just have to be patient with me.

So any thoughts on this? Please let me know what you think and if there is anything you would like to see.

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