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Wow can't believe it is already time for the 30th chapter. Sadly it's been very quiet at the review front these past few chapters. Come on people please comment! And give your ideas and opinions. Also please check out my other stories and let me know what you think. I really need some help. And I would be very happy if you gave me some prompts. I really love prompts and I ship a lot of ships. Love you all. And a special Thank you to LeighAnnaC who had the idea for the following chapter. I'm out of ideas right now so I need your help!


Enchanted Forest :

Snow was visiting Regina that afternoon. It was a beautiful summer day so she picked some flowers for her little sister to decorate the tower.

"Hey, I've missed you. " she said as she entered the room and gave the younger girl a tight hug.

"I missed you too! What is in that basket?" She asked curiously.

The princess smiled and handed her the flowers. "We could decorate the tower with them. Or we could also braid them into your hair. " Snow explained and sat the basket on the small coffee table. "I also got you some apples. You said you loved the apples from our garden. "

"Thank you! But we can't decorate the tower. Mother doesn't like it. I asked her once if I could paint the walls but she wasn't pleased. But we could braid my hair. It's so hard to do it myself. Mother used to do it for me but she says I'm too old now." Regina replied and sat down at her vanity, slowly unraveling the braid.

" Is Robin visiting today?" Snow asked as she took the hair brush and started to brush through her sister's thick locks.

"Yes. Why are you asking? "

"Then we have to make sure that you look your best. We should also put you in another dress." The older girl said and turned to her wardrobe and pulled out a pale blue ball gown. "This is perfect. Why do you have a ball gown if you never go outside? "

"Mother insisted on it. She expects me to always look perfect." Snow saw that it made Regina uncomfortable to talk about it so she didn't push any further.

She slowly helped Regina out of her dress and gaspsed as she noticed her sister's back that was covered in scars. There were white ones that had faded over the years but also fresh bright red ones.

"Oh my god! Did Cora do this?" She exclaimed and Regina felt ashamed all of a sudden. Her mother always told her to cover it all up so she wouldn't have to be reminded that her daughter was always so disrespectful. Tears gathered in her big brown eyes but she forced them back. Snow didn't need an answer as looked at the young girl in the mirror.

She quickly dressed her in the blue gown and went back to braiding her hair.

By the time she was finished it was already dark and Robin could be there any minute now.

"I should head home now. Mother and Father must be wondering where I am and I don't want to disturb you and Robin. " Regina nodded and wrapped her arms around her sister's waist before letting her hair down.

" Thank you for being here today. And Thank you for the apples. I'm sure they'll taste lovely. See you soon? "

" Of course! " Snow kissed her cheek and then climbed down and disappeared into the night.

Only moments later Robin called up for her to let her hair down and a smile spread her dark red lips.

As soon as he entered the tower he grabbed her waist and gave her a passionate kiss.

"I love you. " she whispered and fell into his strong arms.

For a moment there was only silence until he bent down on one knee and pulled a small box from his pocket. The brunette gaspsed excited.

"My dearest Regina, the moment I laid eyes on you for the first time I knew I was in love with you. You are my other half, my soulmate. Only with you I feel whole. Like I belong. You are my home and don't want to spend another day without you. Will you do me the honor and become my wife?" Regina was speechless for a moment and tears of pure happiness where falling from her eyes.

" Yes. Of course I want to marry you, my love. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world. " She kissed him passionately and he pulled a golden necklace with a ring from the box.

"It's not really a ring fit for a princess but I got you a necklace so you can hide it in your dress and your can't see you wearing it." He explained and helped her to put it on.

"I don't care. It's beautiful. I don't need diamonds and expensive things to be happy. You know that. I only need you." She said softly and led him to her bed where they snuggled into eachother like they always did.


Meanwhile at the castle :

As Snow was about to tip toe into her room she heard her stepmother behind her.

" Where were you? Your father and I were worried sick." Cora shouted and Snow winced. She knew she couldn't tell the truth or else not only she would be in trouble but also Regina and she couldn't risk her sister getting hurt again. She couldn't put her sister in danger.

" I was out. The day was so beautiful and so I took a ride to the river and had a picnic, Mother. I'm sorry I worried you and Father. It won't happen again." She lied and prayed to god that Cora would believe it and leave her alone for the night.

"A picnic in the woods. Alone?" The old woman pressed and Snow mentally kicked herself for being unable to lie.

"If you must know I met Prince James there." She said quickly and Cora seemed to believe her since everyone knew that they where in love with eachother.

" Well, never do something like that again. Go to bed now. It's getting late, my dear." The old woman ordered. The princess nodded and did as she was told. She really didn't want to find out what would happen if she disobeyed her stepmother. Would she get hit too? She shuddered at the thought before closing her eyes and drifting off into a restless sleep. Her thoughts always went back to her little sister and what Cora would do to her if she ever found out about Robin.

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