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Fairytale Land, many years ago

He was running as quickly as he could through the forest as Dark Knights were following him. The thief didn't intend to get caught but stealing from the Evil Queen had taken more time than he had wanted it to.

He was in the Queen's bedchamber where he had found a sketch of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. The blue eyed man doubted that it was the Queen in her younger years though the girl looked a lot like Cora.

Her eyes were different. Kinder and softer than the queen's and not as dark. Her hair was different too. It was a few shades darker, almost black, and it was very long.

So now Robin found himself running for dear life because he had been so caught up with the picture. He just had to find out who that girl was.

Suddenly he came to a clearing where in the middle stood a tall tower which seemed abandoned. So the young thief climbed up the

rough stone wall with the help of two of his arrows. However when he entered through the window he found it wasn't so empty after all.

In the far corner of the big room stood a queen sized bed with white curtains shielding its owner from the sunlight. When he opened the curtains he couldn't believe his eyes.

It was the girl from the picture. But why was she here? Locked up in this high tower? Was she a special prisoner from the queen? But if she was a prisoner why did the queen draw her? It didn't make sense to him.

Suddenly the young girl steered in her sleep and her big brown eyes fluttered open. She sat up and when she saw Robin she shrunk back into herself, scared of the stranger that had snugged his way into her tower.

"Don't be scared. My name is Robin and I was looking for shelter here. I thought the tower was empty. I don't mean any harm." the blonde man explained and the girl seemed to relax a little.

"I'm Regina." she added and gave him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on a woman. However he then noticed a little scar above her lip that wasn't there in the drawing.

"Well, are you just here to stare at me or what do you want?" she asked shaking him out of his daze.

"uhm,...well...I...I was just searching for shelter because the Evil Queen's men were after me." he answered unsure while Regina seemed to be very confused.

"The Evil Queen?"

"Yeah, Queen Cora. I'm sure you know her since I found your picture in her belongings." Robin stated.

Regina was shocked. Her mother was the queen? Worse even, The Evil Queen? She had never heard of that title before.

"My mother is the queen?" she nervously asked.

Now it was Robin's turn to be shocked. Regina was a princess? A princess no one knew about? Not even herself? This was messed up. Why would Cora hide such beauty away in this horrible boring tower?

"You are her daughter?" he asked confused while Regina just nodded. "Why are you locked up here?"

Suddenly Regina had tears in her eyes and the young man wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. Both of them felt a spark but didn't know why. "I don't really know. I have been locked up ever since I was born." the long haired brunette sobbed into his shoulder while he rubbed her back soothingly. "I'm just so lonely. My mother is my only visitor and she only ever comes once a day." she explained still sobbing.

Then Robin suddenly got an idea. "Shh, you don't have to be lonely anymore. I will visit you every day from now on." he smiled at her and wiped her tears away with his sleeve.

"But my mother will find out."she paniced but then something came to her mind. "No, wait, my mother only visits me in the mornings. You could come at sunset and stay til it rises again." he nodded at that and hugged as good bye.

"But how am I to get down again?" he questioned.

"My hair, silly. Mother is always using it as a ladder. You just have to shout 'Regina, let down your dark hair.' and I will let it down and you climb up on it." Regina explained and threw her very long hair out of the window.

The thief was about to climb down when suddenly Regina leaned in and planted a soft kiss to his stubly cheek. He was smiling like an idiot when he climbed down.

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